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  1. L

    Should this light setup work?

    Does anybody know what fans I should use? thanks!
  2. L

    Should this light setup work?

    Thanks! I found some fans rated at 168CFM: The grow space is the left side of the cupboard (the empty part, im going to fit a gorw tent in there) They are rated at 168CFM so they seem to be pretty fast and good at circulating air.
  3. L

    Should this light setup work?

    I might, but I doubt it.
  4. L

    Should this light setup work?

    I plan on growing 2 plants under a 150W HPS: It's rated at 16,000Lumens which should cover 2 plants. (8,000 lumens/plant) I read somewhere each plant should get between 50-100W...
  5. L

    Stealth grow space

    yup i'm going all CFL. I bought 8 26W CFL's for two plants I plan to mix it this way: 3 6500K CFL's and 1 2700k CFL/per plant for the veg period. 3 2700k CFL's and 1 6500k CFL/per plant during flowering. For the smell I'm going to build a carbon filter inspired from a design I found on...
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    Stealth grow space

    Ah i see. I just got back from home depot with some good ol' potting soil and some perlite. Although the soil has some fertilizers in it. I heard that it is best to let the plant use the fertilizers already in the soil then start feeding the nutes 2 weeks into veg state once the plant has...
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    Stealth grow space

    Update to dead thread :) (2 plant, CFL closet grow) So far everything is looking good. So far I have purchased a few items I will need. Lights 8 X 26W/1700L/2700K CFL'S For flowering 8 X 26W/1600L/6500K CFL'S for veg. I need these things though: Can you get these at home depot and what...
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    Stealth grow space

    Yeah I was reading a lot about lighting and I figured this would work nicely as well. My room has an air conditioner that can get the room temp close to 0 Celcius so cooling is not really an issue because the intake fan would be delivering cool cool air into the grow chamber. My dad taught me...
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    Stealth grow space

    Haha that would be pretty cool. We had that outlet installed for the minifridge a few months ago.
  10. L

    Stealth grow space

    Ok so I just got back from a long vacation in maine and I see a lot of helpful replies :) So I decided to do a CFL grow in my closet. Only 1 plant. I'm just a little confused on how to setup the lights and which lights I should purchase. I just need to tackle the lighting issue and I am...
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    Stealth grow space

    Nah. I don't smoke in front of her either. My friends mom smokes weed though :P Anyways, back to the original topic. Could anyone answer the questions in my previous post please :) (Please excuse my pushyness, I'm just very exited to start growing and I want to do things right so I'm trying to...
  12. L

    Stealth grow space

    Update: I talked to my mom. Shes cool with it as long as I grow no more than 2 plants. I talked to her about growing it in the cabinet and shes not very comfortable with it since its an antique. So I have decided to grow in my closet with CFL lighting and 2 plants. How many lights and how...
  13. L

    Stealth grow space

    Behind the back wall is my living room :P. Step 1 will be to close it off so there no light. Which shouldn't be hard. Now I need some info on lighting. I'm thinking to grow 2 plants under a 400W HPS or a bunch of CFL's. I don't want to spend huge amounts of money so what option would be the...
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    Stealth grow space

    This is the best I can do in terms of more space: I decided to trash the whole stealth idea my mom is going to find it anyway. She knows I smoke and is ok with it. She's not an ignorant person so I am quite sure she will be ok with it when I explain to her the benefits. (Free weed, The "you...
  15. L


    These are the prices for dank around here: 1g-10$ 2g's-15$ 1/8 oz-25-35$ 1/4 oz-50-60$ 1/2 oz-80-115$ (If your paying 100+ get ready for some dankkkkk kush) oz-160-250$
  16. L

    Stealth grow space

    Thanks for the reply! My room has an A/C unit in its window which keeps my room fairly cold. So the intake fan would always bring in cool air and the exhaust would exit into my room and cool off.
  17. L

    Stealth grow space

    I have came to the conclusion that growing weed is the best option for a smoker like me :P I plan on growing in either a grow box I will put in my closet or in a small cabinet. I would be growing 1 plant. MAYBE 2. closet Dimensions:1.5ftx1.5ft and 5ft tall. Cabinet 14inches deep, 24inches...