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  1. NCBF

    what did you want to be when you were a kid?

    Definitely, i wanted to be a pro skater.....:cry::wall:
  2. NCBF

    Jack Herer in hospital critical condition

    Jack is a great dude, my dad and i went to his house probably 5 years ago, and bought got his book signed.. The Emperor Wears No Close i believe. I hope he snaps out of it, so he can live just a little bit longer!!
  3. NCBF

    Yay my birthday tomorrow

    No shit?? I just turned 21 yesterday too!!! Bought my first 6 pack. To bad i had to stay home and protect the garden!!:weed::wink:
  4. NCBF

    When To Tell Girlfriend I Grow??

    Well what i have learned, is that if you can't trust her with that kind of information, then why the fuck would you want her in your life in the first place???'ve only known her a month, for all you know, her dad could be head of the FED's!!! In this case, i WOULDN'T give her the benefit...
  5. NCBF

    MJ latest study must see

    lol...i thought that was going to be serious, instead i ended up laughing my ass off!! NICE
  6. NCBF


    I think what you are looking for is Super Silver Haze...more commonly none ass, SSH! i haven't seen the "real" shit around in years, but im sure that's the distinctive flavor your looking for. But if your looking for another Delicious haze strain, go with some Purple Haze..literally what im...
  7. NCBF

    Don't do contests!? That's a terrible rule to place upon yourself!!! Oh well, i guess Sunni will...

    Don't do contests!? That's a terrible rule to place upon yourself!!! Oh well, i guess Sunni will will have to just take it to the win. Actually i quite doing contests to, well real contests, like skate contests..i always got to nervous when it came down to it..never landed any tricks...
  8. NCBF


    That was the first product i ever used, made my northern light under some florescents taste like a miracle!! I also no a guy who uses it outdoors, and gets HUGE MONSTROUS plants. Maybe want to add some stuff with it though.
  9. NCBF

    The cops just came!

    Man, i tell you hwhat, them tweakers are EVERYWHERE now!! It's disgusting!!
  10. NCBF

    The cops just came!

    You mean, Manstinka!!! That place reeks!!! Talk about a towns fare share of cow shit!!
  11. NCBF

    innocent Pastor shot by DEA agents in civilian clothing....

    WOW, this is unbelievable.. the fact that these asswholes just started shooting??? WTF!!! Down with the DEA!!!!!
  12. NCBF

    How Much Can One Plant Produce?

    Can you get a hold of those pics??? I wanna see this 17 foot giant!
  13. NCBF

    Landracer, is that you in that pic?? Your sexxxy, you should be in the hottest girl riu contest!!

    Landracer, is that you in that pic?? Your sexxxy, you should be in the hottest girl riu contest!!
  14. NCBF

    A Message From The Heart Of The World. Please Watch This Documentary.

    Well i hate to brake it to you, but these are not the only people trying to get people to understand. There are scientists all over the world, trying to get the human civilization to change there ways..but i think we have gone to fare and not enough people give a rats ass. Everyone is just...
  15. NCBF

    Ahhh, Northern Cali is treatin me VERY WELL!!! I woke up, looked out my window to my beautiful...

    Ahhh, Northern Cali is treatin me VERY WELL!!! I woke up, looked out my window to my beautiful garden, and am thankful for where im at!!! Although i do wish i had to pool to swim in...maybe next year!!!
  16. NCBF

    How Much Can One Plant Produce?

    The answer to everything is 42!! Man, my bro and his girl have had this crazy 42 thing going on for the last couple of years, what do you think that shit is???I no if it is the answer to anything, it's not easily understood...
  17. NCBF posts yet?? posts yet??
  18. NCBF

    How Much Can One Plant Produce?

    TOTALLY friends average last year off 49, all different varieties, was 15 lbs per plant!!! I saw pictures of these guys lifted up with a tractor bucket, picking out worms!!!
  19. NCBF

    pooping when high is easy

    Im always stoned, and always stoned shitting..except in the morning/afternoon when i wake up..but if ya'll ever get a chance to smoke a joint while pooping, lol, that SHIT is INTESNSE!!
  20. NCBF

    Sorry More bad News

    Don't bite the hand that feeds you!!!! You may grow your own med's now, but im sure there was a time, just like we all had a time, where we had to buy our meds from a dealer. We've only been able to grow our own for the last 13 all the sudden started smoking bud because we all the...