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  1. J OX

    showed sex but has not produced anything!!!

    You need to get a fan in their bro and if you have one you need to turn it on higher. Those stems look pretty week. The fan will move it around and make stronger so it can hold/yield/produce more bud!!! Yea dude...those need COMPLETE darkness before they will fully start to produce...keep up the...
  2. J OX

    Male or female

    If it is female you need to trip those two fan leaves off the top with a razor blade. Those long stems there won't have any bud on them and they'll way down that main node (you don't want that) could even try to make clones with those stems. If it is a female plant you'll be sure to get...
  3. J OX

    When should I flower these ladies / go to 12-12 lighting?

    This is my grow box. It's 3' tall and 2 1/2' wide. I made it from an old computer desk. If you can't tell it's sitting in my closet. Those doors can close. I have a total of five plants in there, but the three pics above are the biggest. I've got another smaller box I started out with that I...
  4. J OX

    When should I flower these ladies / go to 12-12 lighting?

    What's up RIUers? Thanks for coming to my aid! I'm not sure if I should start these plants on 12/12 to get them into flowering or not. Can you all tell from these pics? I'm not sure if they are big enough yet. Thanks for the help! :joint::-? Smoke up!
  5. J OX

    Fox News

    Oregon Meds I completely agree! If any of you want to get an unbiased truthful coverage of news...look up Democracy Now. It'll blow your mind.
  6. J OX

    update on beasters with pics!!

    Lookin nice, but 5 ft? That's kinda crazy. They looked stretched need to lower those lights bro...
  7. J OX

    Cop lives across the street. what to do

    Yea man...I think that you are paranoid. The cop probably isn't too concerned with every person in the neighborhood. For all he knows, you are just some dumbass who leaves his light on in the basement. Plus, he probably doesn't even look at your house. And if he does, he won't give it a second...
  8. J OX

    How long will it take to grow?

    Damnit...I was hoping sooner! Haha! Thanks bro! Any other opinions...
  9. J OX

    How long will it take to grow?

    How long will my plant take to grow. I know not every plant is the same, but...that being said, I have an indoor grow box. It's non-hydroponic. It's under CFLs. So on long do plants take to mature? What I'm getting at is how long will it take for them to grow up so I can smoke...