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  1. yogis

    Nugs are Coming!

    Yo Man, I encorage you to check my photos out. taken on the 12th. thngs look good so far. BTW .. Great Grow....! WhoHA
  2. yogis

    yea I hear ya.... (2) tblspns pgallon Soon RAIN So Not concerned they are bigg enough to...

    yea I hear ya.... (2) tblspns pgallon Soon RAIN So Not concerned they are bigg enough to handle Im sure. No food for (12) days . " No Soup for YOU!! " : ) Anyway things do look good . Already c tricomes starting. Flowers are looking good. Now Im guessing the amount of time until Harvest. 8...
  3. yogis

    Hello Space Angel, Yogi Nice to met you. MG Bloom feeding (1) tblsn every (2) weeks should I up...

    Hello Space Angel, Yogi Nice to met you. MG Bloom feeding (1) tblsn every (2) weeks should I up the food? Peace
  4. yogis

    Wow Ok Thats not too much. R U using Mollasses ? MG BB was last Wed so ive water plenty snce...

    Wow Ok Thats not too much. R U using Mollasses ? MG BB was last Wed so ive water plenty snce then Do thos waterings Help or hurt btween feedings. Ill feed them bitches tommorrow. Like a NEMF Should.... : )
  5. yogis

    Oh Yea Why am I still a "Stranger" How do I get " can rool a joint " status. Peace. A New...

    Oh Yea Why am I still a "Stranger" How do I get " can rool a joint " status. Peace. A New England Motherfucker : ) Yeaaaaaaa
  6. yogis

    Ok Great Im using MG Bloom Booster as well. (1) teaspn every 14 days ? (1) Tblspn MOLLASSESS...

    Ok Great Im using MG Bloom Booster as well. (1) teaspn every 14 days ? (1) Tblspn MOLLASSESS every week with (1) Gallon H20 How about DEER I dont even what to say it. Do they favor the blooms? Peace a NE MF
  7. yogis

    Hey Man, Alright Ill put them up again. Did you check alblums? C

    Hey Man, Alright Ill put them up again. Did you check alblums? C
  8. yogis

    N.e wet june now outdoor 81209

    Hello All, VETS So Please let me know what you think Im a newbie. thanks JahLove
  9. yogis

    Hey Man, I posted today taken this AM Let me know. I have NO IDEA where they are on this post ...

    Hey Man, I posted today taken this AM Let me know. I have NO IDEA where they are on this post ? How do I post to OUTDOOR? Peace,
  10. yogis

    Hey Man, i have a few outdoor girls who are just starting to blooom.. : ) Q . Since im a...

    Hey Man, i have a few outdoor girls who are just starting to blooom.. : ) Q . Since im a newbie. Is the start of the bloom slow then did it speed up. Thanks in Advance, Yogi
  11. yogis

    question for you outdoor vets

    Zen.. This is my 1st time outdoors. the girls are just starting to flower. However 12/12 wont start until 9/25/09 the question is do you think they will need to flower a few weeks after the 25th of Sept.? thanks in advance Yog
  12. yogis

    question for you outdoor vets

    yo man I have 8 big girls outside. No one knows what they are looking at. A bear can teach a botany class better then any proffessor People still get poison ivy even though an idustry is partyly supported by the remedy for the itch. Your fine no one cares and no one has a clue. PEACE JAH BLESS
  13. yogis

    first time grower

    Hey Im a first time grower OUTDOOR. I have a question my plants are just starting to flower was the beggining of your flowering process slow and then did it speed up.
  14. yogis

    !!Outdoor .vs. Indoor!!

    Hey MAn Im a first time outdoor grower. My girls are in the ground. Not potted. NE are the pics outdoors? I have a bunch of question Yogi
  15. yogis

    !!Outdoor .vs. Indoor!!

    hello, This is a first time writer. 1st time outdoor grower. My plants from what I ve read and what im seeing Seem to be doing well. They are starting to flower.( I Think) I started feeding a super bloom about two weeks into a-symetrical growth. Now the 1st of Aug these plants have enjoyed 3...