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  1. bonghitz420

    Morning Glory Seeds

    Has anyone exprienced Morning Glory Seeds? I'm inerested in trying it and found what seems to be a legit method to consume them. Any advice?
  2. bonghitz420

    cloning problem

    thanks guys, i will try what you have said. hopefully it works.
  3. bonghitz420

    cloning problem

    my cloner is a plastic storage tote with a 365 gph pump with misters. I use root tech rooting hormone and it does great getting my cuttings to root, i have 100% root take so far. Root shock makes sense, I also prep my holes in the dirt with B1.
  4. bonghitz420

    cloning problem

    I seem to be having a bit of a problem when putting my clones into dirt. I'm using a home made cloner I get every cutting to root jus fine, it when I take the cutting to dirt they start to die. What can I do? Is it a problem that my cuttings are coming from a plant that is in a hydroponic system?
  5. bonghitz420

    where did you get that halo light?

    where did you get that halo light?
  6. bonghitz420

    after clones has roots

    I'm using neoprene inserts to clone, and rockwool in my hyrdo. My cloner is full and I would like to clone more. What can I do to keep the process.
  7. bonghitz420

    after clones has roots

    So my first attempt to clone was succesful using my homemade aeroponics. i have a few buddies that what to trade clones but they do not have the hyro ready? I am planning on putting them in rockwool for them. What is the best way to keep them alive while they prepare there hydro?
  8. bonghitz420

    Hps light

    thanks man that should help alot
  9. bonghitz420

    Hps light

    So i can put 4 or 5 under a 400w, is that still giving them what they need with out being to crowded?
  10. bonghitz420

    Hps light

    What I mean by standered is, the 400 watt bulbs, how many plants can you put under a 600 watt bulb as well?
  11. bonghitz420

    Hps light

    How many plants can you put under the standard hps lighting system?
  12. bonghitz420

    lighting for cloning

    Thanks man, do you get a good take % with 24 hrs of light
  13. bonghitz420

    lighting for cloning

    how many hours of light, would 18/6 work?
  14. bonghitz420

    lighting for cloning

    I'm about to clone for my first time and I was wondering how much light they need?
  15. bonghitz420

    ? about lighting cycle

    Thanks man thats what i thought too i jus wanted to make sure.:weed:
  16. bonghitz420

    ? about lighting cycle

    So i know this guy who thinks he knows all there is to know about growing weed but has never had a plant finish. every time i talk to him he is trying to tell me tips about lighting. So my question is, when flowering your girls does it help to use a longer dark period then 12 hours? THC does...
  17. bonghitz420

    harvest time

    i am ready to harvest, whats the best way?:
  18. bonghitz420

    Another ? about Cloning

    should I use a plant & aqurium bulb and a daylight bulb or does it matter
  19. bonghitz420

    Another ? about Cloning

    From what I've read I need lights for my cloning machine, but I haven't read anything about what type of light works the best. I wanna stay as cheap as I can but use the best lights I can. What should I use?
  20. bonghitz420

    ? about cloning hormone

    right on thats exactly what i was wondering, thanks