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  1. G

    Harvesting Seeds

    after harvesting seeds can you germinate them imediately or do they have to be stored and cured for awhile.
  2. G

    seed harvest

    can you use seeds imediately after harvest or is there a waiting process.
  3. G

    HiJack - creation of a mad man

    i have a question. after breeding is there a cureing process for seeds or can you just put them into water and go.
  4. G

    here to help with any electrical problems

    Curious abt putting a 1000 watt hps light in a apartment will the electric bill trigger the bad people to come . same for a house . Also when the electric company reads the electrical usage do they just read what you have used for that day or can they tell you how much was used at a paticular...
  5. G

    Welcome New Members!

    Please some one help my seedlings are a week old and have streched out because of lack of light and there starting to lean over they have only sprouted there cteyldon leaves but have grown about 2inches tall is there any help for them now or are they destined for failure i have corrected the...