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  1. P

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Thanks for that. I looked at a couple of places in the UK and they were a bit overpriced for the WW. So I had a look at their website and they were only 25euroes for 5 feminised. Attitude are £25 so not too bad. Has anyone used They sell by individual seed at no...
  2. P

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Going to be ordering all the equipment in the next couple of days. Just phoning around a few places to try and get a bargain as I'm ordering a few peieces of expensive equipment. For seeds think I will go with Nivana as they seem to be the best prices for feminised seeds. Not sure how long...
  3. P

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Thanks mate I appreciate the help. Going to go with the WW, 250 HPS and 1.4m grow tent. Has anyone grown any bubble gum? I've been to Amsterdam a few times in my younger days and was my fav smoke. Seems to be pretty expensive on the seeds, just wondering if it's a difficult grow? Wouldn't mind...
  4. P

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Thanks wreteched, I appreciate the reply. I've read a bit into LST and Scrog, thanks for that. Its not so much the total time just the total size. I haven't smoked in a while and fancy some bud again. So really I don't need a massive yield, subsequently the mrs won't be so mad if the house...
  5. P

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Good evening, I've just been reading through this 250w growers thread and am extremely impressed with your ops. Im looking at purchasing this setup off ebay...