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  1. J

    Bizarre Leaf Patches: BRIGHT Yellow, Like a Paint Spill

    Recognize this? I don't. They develop quickly (overnight) and there aren't many (maybe six patches in a big tent of plants). They usually are like this, where they only affect one side of the leaf. I'll fill out a diagnosis form in a bit. I thought something might simply recognize this...
  2. J

    Led Users Unite!

    I'm looking for LED's, which I've been getting straight from overseas for about 1$ a watt. With that in mind, I'd be interested in the HTG at $120. I tried to PM you . . . maybe shoot me a PM in reply? Thanks! ~jessie
  3. J

    The Unbelievably Easy Way To FINALLY End Debate About Aluminum Foil's Reflectivity!

    My main point in starting the thread was specifically to have us avoid the waste of time arguing/debating/guessing on this particular issue. The easiest of experiments would, more or less, solve the 50% vs. 90% reflectivity question. Also, I honestly thought the "hot spot" argument had faded...
  4. J

    The Unbelievably Easy Way To FINALLY End Debate About Aluminum Foil's Reflectivity!

    I've been reading "hugely* contentious debates on the reflectivity of aluminum foil -- ones with folks investing enormous amounts of argument and discussion time. Yet there's an *incredibly* easy way to end the debate FOREVER, and help us grow better plants -- which is what we're mainly here...
  5. J

    True? Some white LED's put more blue light (430nm-ish) than ACTUAL blue LED's?!

    Quick Follow Up: A colored LED has a specific light wavelength, such as a blue at 630nm (nanometers). But when it comes to white LED's, I'm running into trouble customizing my own light panel. White LED's are rated in Kelvin. Unless I've made a mistake, Kelvin is the *average* color...
  6. J

    True? Some white LED's put more blue light (430nm-ish) than ACTUAL blue LED's?!

    A quote from a seller on eBay who specializes in UFO-type LED growlights: "Evolutions in the white HO LED actually produce more blue than blue LED's." Does anyone have any evidence to show this is true? And secondly, I'm assuming this would be in the higher Kelvin range of cool white/blue...
  7. J

    Earth Juice Bloom - Opened New Bottle and It Volcanoed All Over!

    I just bought a new liter of Earth Juice Bloom, shook it, and then opened it for the first time. It burst open, spewing about 1/4 of the bottle out the top and onto the table -- like a mini-volcano. I tried finding Earth Juice's support number, and found a reviewer who said that customer...
  8. J

    Possible Potassium Deficiency -- But Why? (Pics + All Details) - HELP!

    Summary of the problem: The plants are in the third week of flowering. Over the last few weeks, chlorosis has been hitting older leaves, accompanied by necrosis. The problem starts at the tips and proceeds *unevenly* down toward the petiole. It's not interveinal, nor does it seem to attack...
  9. J

    Truly Beautiful Grow -- But Two Leaf Problems Have Me Stumped

    I have a number of strains in my current soil grow, as well as a number of soil mixes. 95% of the plants are literally doing fantastic, so I'm quite happy. They range from two week old seedlings, to about a month old. I have identified, though, two DISTINCT leaf problems -- and each problem...
  10. J

    Roots Organic Potting Soil -- Straight?

    I'm putting together my first soil grow, and thought I'd experiment with a three different mixes -- to see which one worked best for me. The seedlings are ready to transplant into my 3-gallon Roots Organic Smart Pots, so I'm ready to get my mixes down pat. After a lot of reading, I have just...
  11. J

    Making the Best Soil Mix for the Money -- Suggestions?

    I know there are ten billion different soil mixes, and most decent ones will probably work fine. It's just that I know Ocean Forest has such an excellent reputation that I'm wondering if it's really worth it -- or whether you can buy (or make) a comparable alternative. I'm not interested in...
  12. J

    Making the Best Soil Mix for the Money -- Suggestions?

    So, outdoors a 25 gallon pot is good? Wow. Inside, I have 3- and 5-gallon ones. Big difference, I guess!! :-) Anyway, tx for the tips. I'll check out my local stores..... ~jessie
  13. J

    Making the Best Soil Mix for the Money -- Suggestions?

    I'm planing my first indoor soil grow, and it'll be a fair-sized grow--about 60 plants. They'll go into 3-gallon Smart Pots, so that translates to 180 gallons of mix. That's gonna put a dent in my budget. So, I'm wondering what mix you'd recommend that will be cost-conscious? For example...
  14. J

    Help Me With My CO2 Tank -- Quick Question!

    Hi all, I ordered some CO2 equipment haphazardly over the last six months. But now I'm stuck. I turned it on super-slow (at least, that's what I thought) and it emptied the tank in 24 hours. Here it is: I guess I don't know how to use this. Can someone give me a few tips? Thanks...
  15. J

    Organic or Mostly Organic-Sourced Nute Brand for Drip Hydro: Your Pick Is?

    I've been using General Hydroponics main line (Grow, Bloom, Micro) for my first few hydro grows (hybrid drip/DWC) -- because I was a total newbie and GH is a nice, easy, reliable line of nutes. I have, though, been looking forward to switching to a hydro line that's either mostly or fully...
  16. J

    Planet Wax?

    Agreed. They shipped one of my recent orders using an alternative method of protecting the seeds--and it wasn't a good choice: I think 6-7 of 10 were destroyed in the mail. I emailed them, and they promptly sent 13 (!) replacement seeds (feminized). Previous orders have arrived very fast...
  17. J

    Spray sugar water on my buds

    I tend to go with the folks who've been studying mj for nearly their whole life, so I'll put in my vote for adding carbs in the last four weeks. But not molasses. Why? Too many home growers haven't studied their tap water reports. My tap water is well over 200ppm, and that 200ppm is composed...
  18. J

    Chelated Manganese Pills

    I'd like to know, too, since it appears my plants are having a deficiency. I know I can drive to the pet store and get it in liquid form for aquariums, but it's a long drive. Hmmn. I know it's an old post, but maybe someone will find it useful now or in the future. ~jessie
  19. J

    Lucus Formula ?

    How would we adjust the Lucas method (which I use) to suit medium-hard water (200ppm)? Wouldn't the adjustment require that I know what's in the 200ppm . . . and then do the math myself? Or is hard water contain a sort of universal set of solids that I can approximate and then do the math...
  20. J

    Yellow Leaf Dots Spreading Completely Over Some Leaves (It's not spider mites)

    Fungal might be it, too. Tx. I just wanted to add that the leaves get brittle as this stippling progresses. Still trying to pin this problem down . . . not 100% sure of the cause yet. I keep looking through the diagnostic pictures in my books (which are pretty extensive), and I'm not...