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  1. D

    SIZE of container/pot need advice!

    hi! :) i've started growing my first marijuana plant about a month and a half ago. i've been growing them outdoors and i can't seem to have them grow more leaves.. i don't have pictures yet but hopefully i'll have them within the day. i was just wondering if there would be a minimum measurement...
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    bad seeds vs good seeds

    thanks guys! :) i forgot to add that i live in a tropical country.. [the Philippines] and i'm planning to grow them out doors.. i'll try everything posted here see if it works.. oh.. and i've been looking at pictures of weed posted by people here in rollitup and i'm wondering why does your...
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    bad seeds vs good seeds

    i tried planting seeds from the last batch i bought from my dealer but when i tried germinating them using the paper towel method, none of them grew:wall:.. so how do i know if the seeds i got are good seeds or bad ones?? and could anyone help me in germinating seeds the best and easiest way? i...
  4. D

    Is this weed?! Need help!!!

    okay i'll just go an d accept those bad replies about me being 12 or 15 or something... coz honestly i'm just really new to this... Real innocent and came from a family who i think never got to touch or even see weed their whole lives! haha! bet my brother only has this stash coz he tried some...
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    Is this weed?! Need help!!!

    thanks for the advice! anyway.. yeah.. doesn't only look like bad weed.. tasted real awful too.. i got kinda high but still.. the taste of those ugly looking buds'll haunt me for the rest of my life.. i'm guessing he won't notice.. i remember coming across this tin can a few months back.. i...
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    Is this weed?! Need help!!!

    uh yeah.. i'm not really used to it yet..:spew:
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    Is this weed?! Need help!!!

    thanks k town! :) yeah.. RIU is a great place to learn so many things about weed.. :) i'll be seeing you around! :D
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    Is this weed?! Need help!!!

    I'm 20 :) just got devirginized by weed 5 months ago and only got to try some 4-5 time... so i'm really REALLY new to this...
  9. D

    Is this weed?! Need help!!!

    hahaha! i'm not a he by the way... :P naw.. my brother won't notice for sure.. I only took a little.. as in a little.. It smelled weird.. like massage oil or coconut... :| yeah yeah.. i'm sorry.. how embarrassing... :-s rew newbie! :P hahaha! i bet i'll be laughing this off later on in my...
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    Is this weed?! Need help!!!

    I think i accidentally found my brother's weed stash.. I was trying to find a decent container for my coins when I found this box with an oddly folded bond paper in it. I removed it and opened it and to my surprise i found something that i think is weed.. anyway, I thought if i should try some...
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    seeds??? i need your advice!

    wow! nice! i'm waiting for my next delivered goods! can't wait to pick out seeds and start growing! thanks guys! I'm loving this site! i'm learning a lot!!!
  12. D

    rolling joints with cig.butt as tip??

    naw.. I don't use cig. butts.. I was just wonderin coz I was thinking it was more convenient to have an instant roach on your hands.. thanks guys.. Now I know i wouldn't want to be rolling my joints with a cig filter.. :)
  13. D

    seeds??? i need your advice!

    okay.. so I get marijuana from my dealer that has a bit of seeds with it.. only a little... I'm planning to try to grow my own plant, I was wondering if i could use the seeds from my pack.. {the stash i get from my dealer's still in stalks and a bit fresh and sticky.. }:shock::shock::shock:
  14. D

    rolling joints with cig.butt as tip??

    I just started smokin' pot and i was wonderin .. just wanna know if there'd be a difference from smoking a j not using a cigarette. Haven't seen anymore use it here before.. :) Thanks in advance for the replies:hug: