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  1. S

    Small Vaporizer One Hitter?

    I just got a vape and noticed that in order to make it work efficiently it needed a lot of shit packed in it. I was wondering if anyone manufactured whips that allowed for smaller loads... no homo...
  2. S

    Smells like ammonia but still growing

    hrm... i might have to stop rocking it then
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    Smells like ammonia but still growing

    So... I have some Blackjack that is STILL growing yet it smells like cat-piss. Any ideas as to why this is?
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    Sleepy high?

    huh, sounds EXACTLY like what I have. i don't recall exactly how long I let it bud... :(
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    Sleepy high?

    So I harvested my first batch. Everything turned out pretty well except the fact that when smoked, it makes me really sleepy. Definitely get a more mellow/warm/fuzzy high. Not exactly what I want or was expecting. The high isn't as strong as I would expect from such sweet tasting and beautiful...
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    NC House Bill 1380--The Medical Marijuana Act!

    yup, they got everything...
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    NC House Bill 1380--The Medical Marijuana Act!
  8. S

    How risky is ordering seeds?

    Thanks Brick. I will check into Willy's favorite. I def want to pick up some white widow too.
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    Post sexing Reveg Length

    cool, thanks for the help!
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    Post sexing Reveg Length

    i have been revegging two ladies for about 2.5 weeks now. there are still some white hairs on them both. should i wait for the white hairs to completely fade away before cloning?
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    Post sexing Reveg Length

    nice, thanks! i just found out that the ONE diesel seed out of the four i had that germinated is female. woohoo! anyone have any thoughts on how densely i can grow a SoG? edit: just found this: Says 9...
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    Post sexing Reveg Length

    I have flowered some bag seeds and have figured out I have 3 females. I am reveging two of them so that I can take clones from for a small SoG grow. How long do I need to reveg them before I can safely clone them? Is it a length of time or am I looking for certain physical characteristics...
  13. S

    Awesome DIY CFL SHROUD

    yah, that's pretty cool...
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    How risky is ordering seeds?

    gah... i hear yuh. looks like I ought to use a prepaid visa and have them shipped to a friends house. damnit. which one of my non-stoner friends is going to oblige me? i'll need to find someone that doesn't have a big mouth...
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    How risky is ordering seeds?

    I would really like to order some bomb ass seeds. Thing is, I am pretty paranoid about doing it. How risky is it? Obviously, I would change the name on the shipping address but would be having it come to my residence. Seriously though, have you all heard of anyone getting busted ordering...
  16. S

    Is this a Hermie?

    ok, that sucka's DEAD! I had no idea the root system would have been that developed.
  17. S

    Is this a Hermie?

    I've read over a bunch of stuff on sexing. I was expecting to see scrotum-like appearance on my plants if they were males. I'll check over it though. I definitely see pronounced white hairs on the remaining 4 plants. :D Thanks again for the help!
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    Is this a Hermie?

    ok, THANK YOU so much everyone. I am going to kill it now. Out of curiosity... can i smoke that puppy with any decent results?
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    Is this a Hermie?

    No shit?!?!?