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  1. DroBo

    PH assistance...

    Thanks fella's. I have a reverse osmosis system on tap water. Yes there are dead roots in there from old plants that need removing. I'm nervous about it and don't want to lose the bud.
  2. DroBo

    PH assistance...

    reverse osmosis water only.
  3. DroBo

    PH assistance...

    PH is rising fast, every day it rises from 5.2 to 6.4-6.7. Nutes are at 870ppm. water temp is 72- 75. using gh nutes, bagseed about 45 days into flowering, mixing nutes 50%, just added the hps 5 days ago. this is my first grow. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.
  4. DroBo

    Obama Haters Unite

    Everyone that has posted here needs to cut back on smokin.
  5. DroBo

    What am I missing?

    yes sidewinder they are, 50%
  6. DroBo

    What am I missing?

    Just some Bagseed. My first grow
  7. DroBo

    What am I missing?

    This is approximately 1 month from germination. Ebb and flow system watering 30min every 4hrs using 3 part general hydroponics nutrients. PH is 6.0. lighting is 18/6. Doesn't seem to be growing as fast as others say it should. All feedback is greatly appreciated.
  8. DroBo

    Best Stoner Jobs!

    House dad, play with my kid all day stoned.
  9. DroBo


    Sup peeps newbie here. Well, to be honest the reason I'm a member here is due to a cross country move 3 months ago, been sober ever since. I've met a few people but none of them smoke. Tried hittin people up on the space with weed everything but no luck there either. I'm lost, where should I...
  10. DroBo

    Welcome Buds!

    Welcome Buds!
  11. DroBo

    Welcome New Members!

    Sup? Been clean for about 4 months now due to recent move from TX to WI, SUX(being clean). Bored outta my mind and no luck finding any connects so thought I'd start checkin into some different growing methods for some entertainment, lol. Lookin forward to the community here, Thanks