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  1. jedi

    400w Indoor Soil

    Things got a little busy around the house, and I thought I could sneak by not watering until tonight...WRONG.:evil::evil::evil: Came home to wilty plants. I'm sure theyll be OK once they get their turgidity back, but boy do I feel stupid....:mrgreen:
  2. jedi

    400w Indoor Soil

    I think today will be one of the last foliar sprays. The room has great exhaust/airflow and I spray early in the light cycle to help keep mold away. The strain is a locally bred (so ive been told) Strawberry Cough X Orange Kush that we call Orange Cough.
  3. jedi

    400w Indoor Soil

    Hey, Phatlip...I noticed your avatar has some vertical that an iPhone pic? I was trying to figure out why my iPhone did that in the presence of HPS bulbs...any insight? I know PC monitors do the same thing, but that relates to the refresh rate of the screen (hertz).
  4. jedi

    400w Indoor Soil, no, no....:roll: Theyre in a constructed room surrounded by light and white poly plastic. The HPS's really wash out the color so I pulled em out for a second to snap pics. I'll post a diagram of the room someday. Thanks for the kind words, everyone...
  5. jedi

    400w Indoor Soil

    Oh, BTW...I really dont care if anyone posts in here...I welcome all feedback...but don't hate!
  6. jedi

    400w Indoor Soil

    Pics from today, 8/8 Although on eof the girls is def. stunted and not budding as hard, theyre both filling out nicely. Trichs are still all clear, so I think I have a ways to go. The "bad" plant is showing many dead pistils, though :-?
  7. jedi

    400w Indoor Soil

    A budshot from 7/30
  8. jedi

    400w Indoor Soil

    Pics from 7/24
  9. jedi

    400w Indoor Soil

    So this is my first grow in a while. I had run a house about 8 years ago with a few thousand watts in hydro tables, then got a real job. After moving around a lot, I got real sick of trying to find friends to keep a steady supply of medicine, so I decided to take another shot at it. I had...
  10. jedi

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    Hello everyone. I took some cool macro pics via a digital camera and a 30x loupe. Trichs are obviously still underdeveloped, but neat to see em up close.The last pic is of both girls in their room. :weed: I just installed a carbon filter and a fan last night, it's working real well for the...
  11. jedi

    Tiger bloom til the buds burst!!!!

    For realzies! I've been dealing with the fallout for a week or two now. They warn you on the package to add a pH up, but jee-sus!:spew: I've lost 20% of my fan leaves due to pH nutrient lockout. Fucking sux. Just today I flushed with a slightly alkaline solution to get the run-off at...
  12. jedi

    "Tubed" leaves, more info inside

    I have sprayed in the past with a kelp foliar spray. Haven't used it in weeks. When I flushed, I also sprayed down the leaves and buds with good ol h2o.
  13. jedi

    "Tubed" leaves, more info inside

    Updates: Temps have been 67-76. Cool, if anything. Humidity still near or at 50% Flushed with 7.0 h2o (tap at 6ish, I used baking soda to up it a bit.) 3 Gallons per pot, yesterday morning. No major changes after two days. Metabolism seems to have slowed a bit, pots are still heavy...
  14. jedi

    "Tubed" leaves, more info inside

    Me too! :peace: the compost worked well outside on veggies, I think it was a matter of how drastically it changed pH and available nutrients more than any contamination, but who may be right. I didn't mention my other girl because only the plant in front exibits the...
  15. jedi

    "Tubed" leaves, more info inside

    Humidity has been at or near 55% consistently. I'll be watering with pH balanced h2o for a week, and I'll try and remember to come back & post an update. Thanks for the help, everyone!
  16. jedi

    Exhaust/Intake Q

    I have a fan/can combo on order, waiting to install it next week sometime. My question regards bringing in fresh air while keeping light out. I have a box 3x6x4ish, framed studs with plywood walls, panda plastic lining the entire box. How do I prevent light from entering in the exhaust...
  17. jedi

    6weeks into Flowering no Trichomes

    I can see trichome development pretty clearly from those pics. They have a while to go untill they plump up and mature, but I'd say that looks OK for now. nice job on the training, BTW. Wish I had had that much forsight. You'll have some nice plump colas.
  18. jedi

    "Tubed" leaves, more info inside

    My exaust fan was ordered today, so temps fluctuate a bit. But in general, between 68-78. I did once catch a temp reading a hi/low of 89/71, after that I ran some A/C ducting in from a vent to get some cooling going on. I'll try just water for a week and see what happens.
  19. jedi

    "Tubed" leaves, more info inside

    Ok, so small grow in a constructed box, about 3x7x5. 400w HPS, in soil. the strain is "orange cough" which I'm going to presume is a cross between strawberry cough and orange kush (?).I have fed with compost tea for weeks, and recently started a FoxFarm routine in lieu of the tea. I've...