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  1. bizzyclizzy

    Why are my plants so small??

    could be a lot of differnt things maybe its yours soil. what kind of soil you using
  2. bizzyclizzy

    Honey oil question ?

    i wouldnt be using butane for one thing, if you know what your doing you can make better oil with iso. once i figure out how to post pictures, iam goiong to start a thread on how to make honey
  3. bizzyclizzy

    Evaporating the ISO???

    i use a glass pyrex dish and a double boiler system, either on the stove or with an electric frying pan
  4. bizzyclizzy

    outdoor grow nova scotia 2009

    hi guys had trouble posting pics, something about security error, any suggestions?
  5. bizzyclizzy

    outdoor grow nova scotia 2009

    hi i live in nova scotia, iam growing a combination of clones and seed. the plants are approximately 2 weeks old in the first pics. I sprouted the seedd at the first of june and got the clones about a week later. more pics to come.