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    i love your signature.

    i love your signature.
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    How Much Money Have You Wasted In Weed?

    I'm pretty sure he meant he spent it all in one time? The most I've spent at one time has only been around 120... I get weed for free a lot so I think in all I've maybe spent 1k. That's it. :P
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    making bud butter??

    I've heard that it's better to use bud that you haven't already cured to make butter... I could be wrong though ;;
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    Does this look like heat stress?

    Hahaha it's cool. I'm just glad there is nothing wrong with my babies! :3
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    Does this look like heat stress?

    The temp always stays between 70-75, and yes I keep it under a lamp...
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    Does this look like heat stress?

    I'm new to growing, and I have two week old plants growing right now and one of them looks like it might not be healthy(Hopefully I'm just an over concerned new grower?:-|)... I have them in a 0.5 0.5 0.5 soil solution under a 60 watt grow light and I've been using the 16/8 method for lighting...