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  1. T

    How long is indoor Vegative Cycle from Clone?

    How long is indoor Vegative Cycle from Clone? Once you transplant a clone how long does it normally take to grow the plant big enough to bloom? I am just curious because I think my plants are stunted. :cry:
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    Is It a good idea to flush with fresh water between nutes?

    Is It a good idea to flush plants with fresh water between nutes? I read that on a thread on this board and was wondering what everone else thought. I am using rockwool so i wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not.
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    Is Og Kush a Tricky Strain to Grow?

    I heard OG Kush was a tricky strain to grow. What are some of the common problems? Do they require a special ph or ppm that other plants? Any info on this would be appreciated. :joint:
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    When do you cut off Yellow Leaves or Do You? See Pics

    Well I have an update on this thread. Since I lowered the Ph to 6.0 all of the problems cured up almost over night.
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    When do you cut off Yellow Leaves or Do You? See Pics

    its not just one leaf all of the lower leafs are starting to turn yellow. Plus my ph is about 6.5 and it should be around 6 or slightly lower.
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    When do you cut off Yellow Leaves or Do You? See Pics

    Well after reading the advice in this post I think that my ph was a little too high since I am growing in rockwool.
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    When do you cut off Yellow Leaves or Do You? See Pics

    Yes, it does. Do you have a link or info on ppm guide for hydro?
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    When do you cut off Yellow Leaves or Do You? See Pics

    Yes, I have both of those. I know how to do that. I was just wondering what color the ph should look? More yellow or more light green? Also What do you recommend for PPM during veg and blooming? Thanks for all your great advice I really appreciate it kiss-ass
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    When do you cut off Yellow Leaves or Do You? See Pics

    ohhhhhhh for the heads up. So when I test it with the ph tester it should be yellow not light green? How can I bring it down without shocking the plant?
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    When do you cut off Yellow Leaves or Do You? See Pics

    5.5-6.3? That seems kinda low. I thought the idea was to shoot for about 6.5 ? The ph is a light green when i test it. Should it be more yellow? I did add some more micro i hope that helps
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    When do you cut off Yellow Leaves or Do You? See Pics

    oh sorry, they are currently just in the rock wool only. I am using general hydroponics for nutrients. They are only about 2 weeks old. The roots are not popping out the bottom yet
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    What Are Your Thoughts on Seltzer water for C02?

    What Are Your Thoughts on Seltzer water for C02? Does it Work? Do you Have to reset the ph? Better during lights on or off? I read you don't need co2 injections if you have good ventilation. This seems to be a topic of much disagreement. How say you?
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    When do you cut off Yellow Leaves or Do You? See Pics

    ok that makes sense but I am far from that. Do you think this is Nitrogen problem?
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    When do you cut off Yellow Leaves or Do You? See Pics

    Hmmm, interesting point. However, I saw my friend grow with Rock Wool and they were fine for a while before transfering them. Would Grow Rocks be sufficient medium?
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    When do you cut off Yellow Leaves or Do You? See Pics

    no i am in veg about 2 weeks in. Do you think they are stressing the plant?
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    When do you cut off Yellow Leaves or Do You? See Pics

    Please see attached pictures. The lower Leaves have turned Yellow so I think it's a nitrogen deficiency. I have increased the nitrogen levels but im wondering if it's too late for these to recover? should I just cut the yellow leaves so they don't slow down the rest of the plant?