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  1. greenmeany

    attempt at a grow log

    o yeah and that sig is hilarious! haha oh jim beam, how you do destroy faimlies!
  2. greenmeany

    attempt at a grow log

    wow those buds look tasty erk. and i think the reason why people arent stopping by is cuz theres no actual pics in the log. yes youve provided a link to the pics but people are lazy so you have to put them into the thread itself. try that and i bet youll get some responses next time. other...
  3. greenmeany

    attempt at a grow log

    nice man. i need to do some reading about genetics. i dont know much and i keep saying im goign to read up on it but i never do. Im a lazy fuck lol. but this season, im making a seed stock from the auto's i just started. gut big plans for next year boy. gunna plant a bunch of the seeds i...
  4. greenmeany

    greenmeany's botanical/mycological gardens! (lots of pics)

    cubensi strofaria. all are basically the same. whetehr it be "creepr" or "pink Buffalo" or "b+ theyre all the same. unless your get albino varieties or the orissa india which have a bit of a different look/ grow pattern. the "purple Wringer" you describe is just the spores from other...
  5. greenmeany

    greenmeany's botanical/mycological gardens! (lots of pics)

    can you send me a link? cant seem to get into the site.
  6. greenmeany

    attempt at a grow log

    almost shat yourself ey? lol nice to see you appreciate posters coming in even though there arent any here! :cuss: and no on photobucket i just took a look at the first couple pics theres like 33 pages lol. they look soooo yummy man. what strain are you growing again?
  7. greenmeany

    greenmeany's botanical/mycological gardens! (lots of pics)

    still man, beats the hell out of paying an assload of money to grow a few. i dunno you dont have to do it, im just saying its a very pracitcal solution to having no do for growing and helps people understand a bit more about our beloved mary
  8. greenmeany

    wow man your sig is wild

    wow man your sig is wild
  9. greenmeany

    CPH's first grow journal

    those are some nice looking buds man! congrats on those pups.
  10. greenmeany

    greenmeany's botanical/mycological gardens! (lots of pics)

    sorry friend, your wrong. if you grow 10 NL plants, half male half female, and take the best of each sex to make seeds, you will come up with atleast the same genetics in your new seed stock as the seeds you grew out from the breeder provided the strain is "stabilized". there enlies the...
  11. greenmeany

    Hey Gang! New to Rollitup

    again, thanks for the warm welcome everyone:weed:
  12. greenmeany

    greenmeany's botanical/mycological gardens! (lots of pics)

    yeah man, the seed banks overseas are kind of redic. they are wicked overpriced and for the most part dont have original genetics. i mean what kids today are calling "kush" isnt kush at all. all the stuff now is bred to look and taste good but not really for potency. i think if you order...
  13. greenmeany

    Jonboy's '09 Automatic Blue Himalya and Automatic Little Angel Outdoor Grow

    15/seed! pardon my french man but FUCK THAT! lol. the truth about feminized seeds is the giberillic acid they use to ensure all "females" actually degrades the plants genetics. atleast many respectable growers are arguing this. so im trying to steer people awayu from fems. also, they are...
  14. greenmeany

    greenmeany's botanical/mycological gardens! (lots of pics)

    jeez 10 inches man damn! thats a biggun. outside for the ladies i gut aurora indica, topp 44, mazar x afghan and a regular afghan in there somwhere. the trouble with the strains is you can never be sure what your getting from these seed banks these days. profit has turned some eyes green and...
  15. greenmeany

    greenmeany's botanical/mycological gardens! (lots of pics)

    nice strawberries man. yeah maybe if you live in the states ill send you a spore print free of charge. you need to find a syringe yourself though. i guess you dont have to get one but there are far less contaminants and there easier to use. o yeah and anyone interested in this stuff can go...
  16. greenmeany

    Bossman88188 gdp medical grow

    i like the earth juice product line myself. i heard tiger bloom is alright i think its organic? i dunno to each his own i guess
  17. greenmeany

    greenmeany's botanical/mycological gardens! (lots of pics)

    to be honest man. im a pure gardener. love watching stuff grow. i love growen em then given em away or trading them for favors. i hear good things about them but like i said, if your going for potency and not shear size, then i would go with a cyanazen or azurenze. and btw i learned...
  18. greenmeany

    attempt at a grow log

    now you have 3 people posting erkel! nice lookin lady you got there in your pic on the bucket. jeez she must smell wonderful. ill be following along frequently. peace man