Search results

  1. Sweet Leaf

    I'm Baaaaaaaaaack!

    Hi everyone! Long time no see... wow! Sure are a lot of new people here! Sorry I haven't been around to welcome all the newbs... and now, not so new! I've had personal challenges and ended up moving. I had to dissassemble my grow room but manged to get one good crop out of it before I...
  2. Sweet Leaf

    Bad soil?

    All I've been able to get my hands on so far is a couple of bags of top soil and some perlite. The garden centers/nurseries here are clearing out for the christmas season already! I'm going to buy some worm castings and some fertilizer online. Do you think that'll work?
  3. Sweet Leaf

    Bad soil?

    So are you saying I should go hydroponic? I'm not ready for that yet. Or can rockwool be used without a hydroponic system?
  4. Sweet Leaf

    Bad soil?

    Okay, okay... I've searched and searched and all I can find is Miracle Grow plant soil. The pre-fertilized stuff. Either "seedling starter" or "moisture control". What do I do? Can I get by using one of these soils? Anybody have any experience using these soils to grow? Any advice would be...
  5. Sweet Leaf

    What I see happening before this year is up

    Hey, can I get in on this too? :D
  6. Sweet Leaf

    Lighting help

    Alrighty then... I have a choice to make... 24W CFLs or 55W CFLs? Which would be best for my size room? And how many plants do you think I can get in there?
  7. Sweet Leaf

    Lighting help

    Okay, the HPS it is! Thanks again!
  8. Sweet Leaf

    Lighting help

    Thanks! You've really given me some ways to look at my set up. But do I have to use HPS lights. How about MH? I read in a growers catalog: High Pressure Sodium: Best light source if used in conjunction with natural light. Promotes flowering and buddig. Functions as a secondary light...
  9. Sweet Leaf

    Lighting help

    I'm setting up a grow room in a closet 4.5 ft by 2 ft and 7 ft high. What kind of lighting would be best for this space? What would you do? I'd like to get in as many plants as I can. TIA!
  10. Sweet Leaf

    Good Website For Seeds

    I got some seeds from BC Bud depot. It took about 4 weeks and when the envelope arrived it had a slit in the side of it. Fortunately, the seeds were in a plastic container and taped to several sheets of blank paper. They didn't fall out. But as to the quality, we'll have to wait and see as I...
  11. Sweet Leaf

    Who are you? a/s/l

    30 something/f/New England
  12. Sweet Leaf

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi there! I'm making my first attempt at growing and am learning lots from the messages posted here. Thanks so much for this website!