Search results

  1. flipnlu

    Moving w/Felony conviction

    After serving my time I am a convicted felon for possession of marijuana 4 Oz. My life is finally together after being on the run for way too long. I plan on picking up everything and moving staying in Texas seems like an inevitable cycle of jail and wasting money. What jobs are available in...
  2. flipnlu

    Moving w/Felony conviction

    My apologies for the late response and I appreciate all the information. Unfortunately to say the least I served 4 months in county. Find it baffling that a legal state would still find it problematic. Would it still be a good idea to pursue my degree/certification in the IT field? Should I...
  3. flipnlu

    Moving w/Felony conviction

    Just like to say thanks to rollitup and it's members for all the support and knowledge. With that being said I've finally finished with the court procedure. After I serve my time I will be leaving Texas after spending all 27 years of my life. I was charged and convicted of possession of greater...
  4. flipnlu

    Let me see if I got this straight...

    Sick world we live in these days. Sad thing I read up on a few lawyers cases from the whale's to the small fish. One guy had a Motion to revoke his probation due to possesion of cocaine. Well he hired the best lawyer in town and they used a fancy paper saying that he did not know he needed a tax...
  5. flipnlu

    Caught Growing in Texas

    Unfortunately it is still illegal in Texas. You can't take the law to critical they rarely hand out maximum penalty's. They usually work out plea bargins. With that being said the weight of the smokable material would be less than 4 oz. He stated to the law official during the time of the bust...
  6. flipnlu

    Caught Growing in Texas

    Thank you for all the advice it is greatly appreciated. Unfortunately it was the land lord so it was a sheriff who did the bust late at night. I was told by a lawyer to ask for a reweigh of just smokable material of the plant. Hopefully this information will be true. It was a dumb move on his...
  7. flipnlu

    Caught Growing in Texas

    Yes. I was curious on how they weigh it. One lawyer said only smokable material another said the whole plant with root intact. thanks in advance.
  8. flipnlu

    Caught Growing in Texas

    I have a friend who was renting a house and the landlord called the sheriff saying he felt illegal activity was going on. The sheriff went to the house possibly smelt marijuana got a search warrant and busted the place while he was leaving. Three Marijuana plants had bud in the early stage of...
  9. flipnlu

    The Weed Nerd~

    That's awesome coastal I've been there. Glad your still with us to help. Stay green and a human being onelove...
  10. flipnlu

    DJ Shorts Blueberry

    DJ's blueberry has taken a bad name due to counterfeits, unstable mutants, and germ rates. I was lucky enough to receive DJ's personal stock delivered to attitude after the counterfeit beans. Two main pheno types pinkish purple stem sativa dominat Hermies in flowering. Similar to subs. The other...