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  1. sheppie

    White widow flowering

    .............. anyone?
  2. sheppie

    White widow flowering

    yellowing has reached to top of plant and 90% of fan leaves have died off. i seriously think my problem was my pot size. lower buds look almost ready but upper buds hardly have any red hairs and most hairs are pointing out, not curling. don't know if to give her more time. Just watered with...
  3. sheppie

    White widow flowering

    alot of hairs on lower buds getting red. How much u guys think this might yield? Thinking of cutting in about 2 weeks.
  4. sheppie

    White widow flowering

    does this look anywhere nearly ready?
  5. sheppie

    White widow flowering

    Lowered the amount of ferts with water and adjusting ph to about 6.5. Yellowing still moving up plant but slowed a bit. Pistils stretching out and buds finally forming. Also seeing he white resin on the leaves around bud sites. Really wasn't planning on this plant getting this tall. Started...
  6. sheppie

    White widow flowering

    Last wednesday or thursday. Flushed w ph'd water. Then added a quart of water to 1/8 tsp MIRACID 30-10-10 and 1/4 tsp of fish fert 2-4-1 and 1/8tsp epsom salts. Yellowing seemed to slow down but still had to remove some dead fan leaves. Watered again yesterday w fish fert. Pistils are stretching...
  7. sheppie

    White widow flowering

    Ok buds grew a good bit since last watering. But yellowing of lower fan leaves getting worse and racing up the plant. Lowest 4 leaves were dead and curled up so i plucked them off. Posted some pics. Also on some of the low leaves on the side branching have some dark spots. P deficiency? P...
  8. sheppie

    White widow flowering

    Thanks for the replies. Yes the yellowing is getting worse as the pics show. I checked the ph of the water i was using and it was at 8.3. Lowered it to 6.8 and watered w/out nutes thoroughly. Also noticed the temps were close to 100 degrees near the plant top so i hung a fan to blow right...
  9. sheppie

    White widow flowering

    Thanks for the quick response. just checked ph it's at 6.97 . Testing with a hanna ph pen mixing soil with distilled water. Dan what r u talking about? u need alot more N for vegging and more P for flowering. What u think about trimming those low leaves that get no light? Here's a pic of the...
  10. sheppie

    White widow flowering

    Hey now about 27 days into flowering. Veg time was about 3-4 weeks. Growing in a mix of 1 part potting soil - 1 part perlite - 1 part pro-mix. Under 150w hps and surrounded by 4 23w cfls cool white. This is the only female out of 6 seeds started so trying my best to get the most out of her. Does...
  11. sheppie

    First Time CFL Grow -Big Bud-

    how much dry weight u get?
  12. sheppie

    2nd grow, 4 babies, cfls

    Babies now 25 days old and going strong. switched to 12/12 5 days ago. No sign of sex as yet. Took these pics after watering so they look a lil droopy.they r all just under 12" now. Just waiting to throw out the boys, if any, before i transplant. What do u think? Any advice much appreciated.
  13. sheppie

    my first plant

    you want the nitrogen rating a bit higher than the phosphorus and potash so anything like 30-10-10. Thats assuming you are still vegging after the 6 weeks. as i said, no ferts for the first 6 weeks. you want ferts with high N value for vegging, higher P value for flowering. Just read up a little...
  14. sheppie

    my first plant

    just water for now. After 5-6 weeks, u could give a very low dose of ferts about every 2 weeks and u should b fine.
  15. sheppie

    my first plant

    what kinda soil u using? If it's a soilless mix u should start feeding now.
  16. sheppie

    My First GROW! 2month qp set up

    great set up and grow man. Making me wana upgrade my shit. All the best with you first harvest. When u planning to harvest your first 3 girls?
  17. sheppie

    Peat Moss

    u should buy some pro-mix with balanced ph. 5 is too low.
  18. sheppie

    Help with when to start feeding and soil mixture, please +rep!!!

    Hey man read this guide, it really helped me out with soilless mixes. And if u mixed it yourself that means there probably no starter nutes in it. So i would start fertilising from the time you see the 2nd set of leaves. Works good for me but just be very precise as to the amount of ferts...
  19. sheppie

    2nd grow, 4 babies, cfls

    yo blessamerica, I have 4 more cfl's that i'm gonna add in a bit, 2 warm and 2 cool. Also my 150w HPS is sitting down in fort myers waiting for my buddy to bring it for me. I was gonna switch to 12/12 in a couple of days and i was hoping to sex them before transplanting ( they r in a soilless...