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  1. letsdickcheney

    hey Whatzzup...whats up! check out my Anesthesia grow

    long time no see RIU. happy new year...hope you are all well. this is my Anesthesia a month into flowering. tried my hand at LST'ing for the first time. 240w CFL in a rubbermaid trashcan from seed. i also have a headband808 clone and a sourD clone vegging in another rubbermaid . please...
  2. letsdickcheney

    Peace RIU see you a few weeks...

    Leavin 4 India sun. Very tragic...lost a aunt fri n the uncle that rushed to 'her 'side came home a few days later w/da flu n passed away that mon . Will b in Haridwar 4 da 'rites' . If i get a chance to go to my village a lil further north i'll take som pix of wild-mj growin on da side of...
  3. letsdickcheney

    Lil lowryder

    very nice bro!!! congrat's......cigars all-around!!!!! cheney
  4. letsdickcheney

    The Botany of Desire -PBS : Did you see this??

    'The Botany of Desire' is a book that was made into a two hour show on PBS tonight and had one part on marijuana... peace riu, letsdickcheney
  5. letsdickcheney

    Lil lowryder

    yo man good stuff..lookin great!!!! shout out to all the low-low-grow-grow-ers out there, cheney
  6. letsdickcheney

    1st grow:4 Lowryder , 260W tub-closet grow

    second lowryder in a 1gal pot. one x-mas tree cola. it had bud all the way down to the soil!!!!!! trimming your bud is so much fun...i love it!!! pix r: b4,after,trim
  7. letsdickcheney

    1st grow:4 Lowryder , 260W tub-closet grow

    o.k. i cut one of my two lowryders. the tops were 80% brown/red hairs and a few amber trichs. this was in a 2 1/2 gal pot. it had a V stem with two main colas. i did not take a pic of he tiny nugs on the bottom of the stem (seemed they were not as done as the tops of the main colas). i found...
  8. letsdickcheney

    1st grow:4 Lowryder , 260W tub-closet grow

    i think i'm really close...............getting darker,hairs turning red/orange,trichs all cloudy but no amber yet. but i'm not sure...... please let me know what you think!!!! peace riu, cheney
  9. letsdickcheney

    1st grow:4 Lowryder , 260W tub-closet grow

    almost time to harvest....a week or so i think. it's so amazing to see for yourself. the 'hairs' went from white to milky-white and now they are drying out and turning yellow/brown/orange/red!!!! the tri's you can see with your naked long, thin mushrooms!!! with my pocket-micro the...
  10. letsdickcheney

    1st grow:4 Lowryder , 260W tub-closet grow

    from what i've read NO. lowryder has such a quick lifespan that training or cutting etc is not pos. or a waste. i'm a noob but with some good 411 from RIU n nice seeds from sannie i got a 4 inch X-MAS tree on one in a 1 gal pot n 2 3inch colas on a plant in a 2.5gal pot!!!!! nice!!!! both less...
  11. letsdickcheney

    Lil lowryder

    lookin great man !!!! my tricomes are 50/50 cloudy/clear at 58 days....i'm going to pull one when it's mostly cloudy n the other w/it's some see the diff.i got a pocket microscope f/radioshack 4 13bux....great 4 harvest !!!!!! low-low-bro, letsdickcheney
  12. letsdickcheney

    1st grow:4 Lowryder , 260W tub-closet grow

    Got my pocket-microscope today. Fan-tas-tic!!!! $13 from Radio-Shack 60x-100x......makes tricomes look like grapefruit!!!!!!! CAN SEE TOPS OF 'MUSHROOMS' to check : clear,cloudy,amber,50/50 for harvest!!!!! Great value!!! get one b-4 they run out. very few things out there truly are a great...
  13. letsdickcheney

    1st grow:4 Lowryder , 260W tub-closet grow

    here are my lil ladies.... lowryders at 57 days... i was waiting for the 'hairs' to turn darker/brown etc....but i've seen lowryder harvest w/cloudy 'hairs'(and yes i know 'hairs' are dif'nt from tricomes). any help would be appre!!!! thanx people.... i flushed today as well...
  14. letsdickcheney

    1st grow:4 Lowryder , 260W tub-closet grow

    i got nute burn n heatstress. i'll post pix in a few hours. i will raise the lights and add a fan no problem when i get home. not sure how much to flush or to flush at all ? #1 continue with only distlled-water. #2 flush my plants are in 1 gal and 2.5 gal pots by the much to...
  15. letsdickcheney

    1st grow:4 Lowryder , 260W tub-closet grow

    what do you think....i was waiting for the 'hairs' to turn red/brown/darker but i've seen lowryder dry with mostly white 'hairs'. what do you guys think ?? waiting on my pocket micro from amazon. peace riu, cheney
  16. letsdickcheney

    1st grow:4 Lowryder , 260W tub-closet grow

    day 50 from paper-towels both pix are same plant.
  17. letsdickcheney

    1st grow:4 Lowryder , 260W tub-closet grow

    what is up my RIU people.... please listen to this while reading.... it's the song in the caddie AMERICAN!!!!!! like it. i think i'm 2/3 weeks away from per-fec-tion...what do u think RIU??? my girl n me about the same...
  18. letsdickcheney

    1st grow:4 Lowryder , 260W tub-closet grow

    45 days from the time i put the seeds in a paper-towel.
  19. letsdickcheney

    Lil lowryder

    ya me too end.. this is my first grow...i picked lowryder because i thought it would be great for a noob like me and i just want to see what a grow will be like from start to finish...granted lowryder is mj on roids...but still it's a good start. i now know 1000% more than when i started...