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  1. Babygirl79

    Week and a half into the grow...critique?

    Hey those plants look like mine and i didn't transplant yet they had wilted up and died. I was using a Grow Bulb of 50watts. Not to much water and not to little. What am i doing wrong? PLease let me know before starting the next batch. Thanx [email protected]
  2. Babygirl79

    Alright i am here for much needed help. I have started a few babies and in 4 days the little...

    Alright i am here for much needed help. I have started a few babies and in 4 days the little tiny things died. I am not sure what i did or didn't do. I got the Starter soil, 50watt grow bulb and been running 18hr on 6hr off. Not over watering or under watering. Getting ready with more...
  3. Babygirl79

    Welcome New Members!

    Alright I have never done this growing before and set out on some research. I got some seeds and started the sprouting stage. Once i got the tails to a good length I took little plastic cups with Organic Seed starter mix. I placed them exactly as i was told in moist soil and placed under a grow...