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  1. S

    Smoking Rock Wool

    If I Smoke Bud That Was Coated In Rock Wool Out Of A Bong Then Wouldnt The Water Filter Out The Rock Wool Metals>?>>>>
  2. S

    WTF Hydro coating on my MARYJANE HELP

    WHat do you mean. The roots and rock wool is in a seperate pile. Cant i smoke the cleand shake??????
  3. S

    Would making Hash oil take out the impurities?

    Like i said in my last post i have a half pound of shake covered in rock wool. Would making hash oil with acetone take out all the impurities of the rock wool? I heard it seperates only the thc
  4. S

    Would making Hash oil take out the impurities?

    Like i said in my last post i have a half pound of shake covered in rock wool. Would making hash oil with acetone take out all the impurities of the rock wool? I heard it seperates only the thc
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    WTF Hydro coating on my MARYJANE HELP

    Is acetone good for making hash oil???? Or is butane better?
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    WTF Hydro coating on my MARYJANE HELP

    Could i die man... I am not that much of a fiend, but just pissed at how stupid i was. Lots of thanks man
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    WTF Hydro coating on my MARYJANE HELP

    The shake looking one is with all the visible rockwool takin out. But it is still slightly coated with it...
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    WTF Hydro coating on my MARYJANE HELP

  9. S

    WTF Hydro coating on my MARYJANE HELP

    How about making it into edibles? or Hash oil?? Is that rockwool really bad for you ?? Damn i'm so depressed over this
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    WTF Hydro coating on my MARYJANE HELP

    Scratch that, Its about a half pound. I payed 300 for it because i was told it was shake. Honeslty that guy had no idea it was bad for you too because hes been smoking joints of it for a while now. I smoked some and i was like this is a weird high... I got most of the fiber out but damn i am...
  11. S

    WTF Hydro coating on my MARYJANE HELP

    I bought a pound. No way i can save it?? Please if anyone knows about this. I got alot of the fiber out by throwing it continuasly and the foam would rise out. It is this soft yellow stuff. Cmon please anything
  12. S

    WTF Hydro coating on my MARYJANE HELP

    Well i got a pound of bud from a friend's friend. It is all shake/clippings but it is pretty good. The problem i thought at first was that I had to just remove all the fiber balls(little yellow cube foam) which i guess was used to grow hydro. Once removed i stroked my hand on the side of the...