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  1. Non Smoking Pot Farmer

    Hermi. Anyone Know about DM Reverse and Saturator?

    I mean no offense by this, but if you don't really have 30+ min to spare every few days this probably isn't the right hobby for you.
  2. Non Smoking Pot Farmer

    Cheap 400W HPS's Way Cheaper then HTGsupply for a Superior Product

    Thanks i was just about to buy one from HTG.
  3. Non Smoking Pot Farmer

    What is Going on with Diablo?

    what nutrients are you using? looks like a zinc deficiency to me.
  4. Non Smoking Pot Farmer

    Hermi. Anyone Know about DM Reverse and Saturator?

    Just try to cut off all the pollen sacks before they burst, you don't need to waste your cash on that.
  5. Non Smoking Pot Farmer

    Help! My Babies are Dying!

    Just dying isn't really a descriptive characteristic, what do they look like? Any pics?
  6. Non Smoking Pot Farmer

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    This was in high times June of 09 some guy tells you step by step how to build it most likely the same guy that's telling you now. lol