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  1. M

    About to Start Growing Purp?

    very nice my friend! Ya i wish i was in cali to get cuttings of purple kush and GDP omg that would be amazing
  2. M

    About to Start Growing Purp?

    Sweet thanks man
  3. M

    About to Start Growing Purp?

    Nice, i wish i could get my hands on some of that. Ugh only if i was in cali... lol
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    About to Start Growing Purp?

    Ya i probely wouldnt want to make them that cold either just have heard of it being done b4. Ill go check that strained out, do you know of any good sites that sell seeds for it?
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    About to Start Growing Purp?

    Ok so i am about to see if i can get my hands on some good purp seeds of some kind. I got one question though that i was hoping some one could clear up for me. I know that u can just lower the temp in ur grow room and made the buds purple, bud i was wondering if u have to do that with the if you...
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    Need Help

    So they are trying to give me a $500 ticket for this bull shit
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    Need Help

    Ok so i live in taxes and i just got my first possession of drugs ticket. But the cop was such a dick that when he couldn't find anything he scrapped the floors for some and got like 3 little leafs/crums and a tiny stem and gave me a ticket for that. It is like lest then .1 of a gram not even...
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    Quick noob question

    dang ya i thought there was no way but just wanted to make sure, oh well i guess i will just have to hope for the best
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    Quick noob question

    Ok so i am growing in a PC case and was wonder if there was any way to tell the sex of the plant b4 i let it veg for a few weeks cause i am using bag seeds.
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    Dallas Clones?

    Hey sorry if this is like against riu rules or something but i was wounding if any one around the dallas area has some clones i could buy its pretty dry around were i am. Pm or something if you know of any.
  11. M

    Help! Hermi?? :(

    Ya your right thanks :)
  12. M

    Help! Hermi?? :(

    Dam this sucks, why did this have to happen my first grow and have to happen to my biggest one grrrr. Wish i could find some were in dallas to get some freaking clones.
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    Help! Hermi?? :(

    Oh i got another question b4 i kill it! If i was to take a cutting from it would that end up being hermi as well?
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    Help! Hermi?? :(

    damn ok, i will sleep on it and murder it 2mrow :sad:
  15. M

    Help! Hermi?? :(

    grrr this sucks, does anyone know if it is possiable for it to just grow a few sacs and thats all? or will it just end up becoming over grown with dam pollen sacs?
  16. M

    Help! Hermi?? :(

    dam that sucks :( she is my biggest plant and i have 4 others in there.
  17. M

    Help! Hermi?? :(

    So this is my first grow and my biggest plant i have i think might be hermi :( please you experts out there tell me i am wrong. If it is what do i do? can i just cut them off and if i do would i have to keep cutting them through the whole grow? Thanks for all that can help!
  18. M

    3 day Bud Dryer

    I was thinking of doing this but when i thought of it i was going to add 1 intake and 1 exhaust fan. Would that work good? But my main question is with your set up, that hole you use for ur intake doesn't that let some of the smell out? cause i need to do this on a stealthy base.
  19. M

    12/12 from seed, when will sex show?

    well i am doing a Pc stealth grow so i have to keep the plants pretty small, how much will it grow in a weeks time of 24/0?
  20. M

    12/12 from seed, when will sex show?

    Hey every one i got a quick question. I am going to be starting off with some bag seeds and i am growing stealth so i will be doing 12/12 from seed. When will the plants start showing signs of male or female? or is this just a dumb question cause it is based off strains? lol