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  1. tattoopisces

    Brown bumps with sap in them and harvesting time dangerously close

    That might be scale. Which is a garden pest.
  2. tattoopisces

    Any East Texans 'round here?

    Hey, Just wonderin how the growin is goin in Texas for ya'll? Mine are doin well. Take a look see! Your Chic in Texas!:weed:
  3. tattoopisces

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Well I have a picture (finally). :leaf: Chic in Texas!
  4. tattoopisces

    Will a security light affect my grow

    This is interesting. It seems that the light might slow the flowering. The dark side of my plants are in full flower. But the side illuminated by the light dont look as impressive. I just threw up a light blocker, and I will let you all know if it helps. Chic in Texas!
  5. tattoopisces

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Went out to check on the girls, and saw some nice tight bud starting to develop. :weed: Seems like just yesterday they were only seedlings...(teary eyed, sniff sniff) Its enough to make a parent proud. lol:-o I will get some pics up here soon for all you guys to see. Some nice sexy pics...
  6. tattoopisces

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Hey there, My lovely ladies are doing great! They get some shade in the mid afternoon til the sun goes down. It cuts down on the heat factor quite a bit. Your Chic!:weed:
  7. tattoopisces

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Hey, Texas thread! I am out in the stix, north of H town, doin an outdoor grow. Your Chic in Texas
  8. tattoopisces

    I had a heated disscussion

    Hey, I recently had an argument about the worth of hermi's. I dont really put any work into them, usually throwing them out when discovered. The person arguing with me, said that they have enough thc to make hash out of. And that the plants should be kept for that purpose. What are the...
  9. tattoopisces

    Gun Control

    All automatic weapons should be destroyed. Lets go back to single load guns. Everyone could still protect themselves if necessary, and there would be no unfair advantages.
  10. tattoopisces

    Hey guys, check this out

    This batch of about 8 plants, started out as 16, is bagseed. And get this, the massive bitch almost didn't make it. She was eaten up by grasshoppers, down to the stems with only a few tiny leaves. Just enough for photosynthesis. The recent rain has also done wonders for the plants.
  11. tattoopisces

    Hey guys, check this out

    Hi ya'll, Just wanted to show you all another part of the garden. :twisted: Your chic in Texas!
  12. tattoopisces

    1/2 of plant was flowering...

    I have 8 tats so far...;)
  13. tattoopisces

    1/2 of plant was flowering...

    Well the only stress would be the EXTREME heat here in texas. I guess I wont worry about it too much. I have quite a few more in a different part of the garden and they are so fabulous! (i know, a girly thing to say) lol Anyway, thanks for helping me out guys. Your chic in Texas!
  14. tattoopisces

    1/2 of plant was flowering...

    Here ya go. They arent very good, but I think you will get the idea. Late
  15. tattoopisces

    1/2 of plant was flowering...

    Alright, I will get one up here in a few. ;)
  16. tattoopisces

    1/2 of plant was flowering...

    Hey, I got a question. One of my plants started doing something strange. One side of the plant was flowering pretty good. Then the other side reverted back to growtand has grown taller. You guys have any thoughts? Just a chic in E.Texas, Tattoopisces