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  1. R

    Leaves "clawing"

    The tips of my leaves are "clawing" and some turning the tinest of tiny tellow on the tips. JUST the tips nothing else. Its only about 1/8" probobly less of the "clawing." Anyone know what I can do to fix this problem?
  2. R

    Attitude Seeds

    Easy Ryder...Love the Beatlejuice pic;-)
  3. R

    Easy Ryder

    Anyone notice if this strain is a slow starter? Its been a little over a week and it looks just abou the same as it did a week ago. Still only showing the first small set of leaves.
  4. R

    Attitude Seeds

    They did come today. Well package too! I guess it was my fault that I had the typo!
  5. R

    Attitude Seeds

    come to find out after emailing them a second time i typed my email address in wrong=) Im a dumb ass sometimes =) They had sent them tho. Seeds should be here today just ordered on Monday! Thanks for all the tips my friends!
  6. R

    Attitude Seeds
  7. R

    Attitude Seeds

    haha...not trying to make bad rep here guys. just been three days and haven't gotten any kind of email thats it. Guess it's a waiting game =)
  8. R

    Attitude Seeds

    Anyone heard anything from attitude seeds? I placed an order with them on monday and have yet to hear anything from them. No emails nothing. I have heard nothing but good things about them. I also have sent them two emails but have yet to hear anything back. :evil: