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  1. S

    LED Lights Staying Slightly Lit When Timer Switches Off!!!

    I purchased 2 LED lights to help save some electricity instead of the HPS's and to reduce heat in the tent. I was only using them for a few days and went into room during lights out and noticed both LED lights were dim lit, but not all LED's and I would describe the light as cloud covered...
  2. S

    Glasses for LED lights? I found these at a better price, and hope their just as good as the more expensive ones. I ordered the lighter green (Shade 3) so time will tell.
  3. S

    pH Dropping Too Fast?

    Hello All, Any reason why the pH is dropping from 6.1 to 4.8 in under a 48 hour period? Thanks for your feedback.
  4. S

    EC Running Too High?

    Hello All, Hope you can help me with a problem I'm having with the EC. I am in the 3rd week of bloom, plants have started heading on time for the last week. Setup: Have EC set at 1.8 and Ph 6.1 Growing room with 1000w Avg temp 27-29 cel Medium - clay balls & perlite Running pump watering...