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  1. jmckirdy

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    high there, i was just wondering what happens to plants if you add too high of h202 content or if the h2o2 is still decomposing wen you water the plants. I added 1 tsp of h2o2 to 1 gall. of water, i let it sit for 20 min. or so then watered the girls now the leaves are starting to yellow i dont...
  2. jmckirdy

    Gold-good investment or hype.

    golds up to 1011$ an oz. wen i last checked bout a week ago, thats up from the 256$ per oz. it was in January. i donno if something that hot would be a good foundation fer the dallar or not. then again the u.s dallar used be be based on gold stocks before the feds privatly owned bank notes took...
  3. jmckirdy

    DSG's: Organics 101

    thanks for that, im setting up a compost for my garden and was wondering if its ok to add old potting mix with it for reuse. will that lessen the nutrient content of the compost? will the compost help regenerate the old soil.
  4. jmckirdy

    REP+ 4 help.MG moisture control w/ nutes.

    MG can have a bit too many arifitial ferts for plants, it would probly help to find some good animal shit. sheep or horse manure works fine and will balance out all the artifitial shit
  5. jmckirdy

    pc grow box easy ryder finished

    nice, i got a couple old pcs lying around and im thinking of doing that, looks like a good setup.
  6. jmckirdy

    sup ardroc, im from bc and this is my first grow, its definetly a challenge and blast i got 6...

    sup ardroc, im from bc and this is my first grow, its definetly a challenge and blast i got 6 Big Buds, 10 Hawiian Snow, and a White Widow. im getting into the sea of green growing for my short indicas.
  7. jmckirdy

    florescent lighting

    thanks allot guys! i got the lights an inch or so away from the plants and found some wire and made a really nice support for the babies. had to repot some of the bad ones too.
  8. jmckirdy

    first grow

    ahhhh shit gonna go move the lights a whole lot closer, iv heard that repotting & burying the stem up to the leaves can stabalize the plant. is this a good option or could it damage the plant?
  9. jmckirdy

    florescent lighting

    *i have 3, 4' floro tubes, and a 65 w flor work light i found at home depot. during the first 6 or 7 days i had only one tube and the worklight.
  10. jmckirdy

    florescent lighting

    thanks guys, they are drooping quite badly due to the lights being too far away. Is there any way to strengthen the stem at this point?
  11. jmckirdy

    First Time Home Grower, with questions?

    *** them up to the leaves. *srry
  12. jmckirdy

    First Time Home Grower, with questions?

    iv also been using floresents for my first grow, it is day 10 and about 5 of them are drooping and have grown allready to 7". Will repotting them now be a problem and is there any way to strengthen the stem? Id like to keep the height if thats a good idea or is it best to bury them?
  13. jmckirdy

    florescent lighting

    anyone know what is a good lighting schedule for 10 day old seedlings using florescent lighting? i started them on 24 hours a day, for the first 8 days, what are the dangers of overlighting? i think it may be the reason their stems are so weak yet they are otherwise quite tall and healthy.:D
  14. jmckirdy

    first grow

  15. jmckirdy

    first grow

    here's some pics, they're about 10 days old
  16. jmckirdy

    first grow

    well, iv got compact florescents and a compact flor. work light which seems to work quite well, also the hps light i ordered with ballast but shit i forgot to get a reflector. thanx. how many lumens does each plant need? does it matter on thier size or numbers?
  17. jmckirdy

    first grow

    weak stems and flueresents...? this is my first grow and i am using 3 65W hanging fluers, and a 65 W fluerescent work light, i have ordered a HPS 400W in the mail, but will the fluers work fine for veg.?