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  1. dbax4225

    Can i use seeds that came in a dime bag to grow????th

    ya absolutly i did heres my plant...a little skinny but i just didnt know what iwas doing...but very dank weed a lt danker than the original dime
  2. dbax4225

    Take a look and help explain

    you have to flower befor you can tell the sex
  3. dbax4225

    Howw Much H2o for my baby

    ya every day is way to much i was watering that much at first and my plants had little white spots on them and leaves discoloring i water mine twice a week one day use nutes the next not so the plant sucks all the nutes out of the soil before putting too much...i water mondays and...
  4. dbax4225

    what can i do with my males????

    i have afgan also i was thinking crossbreeding
  5. dbax4225

    Male or Female?

    you have to wait to flower it...12 hours f light 12 hours off
  6. dbax4225

    what can i do with my males????

    i have a male super skunk plant and i dont just want to waist there anything i can do with it to get me stoned?? some one told me hash but it seems really hard to make. do males have thc for brownies??? any ideas???
  7. dbax4225

    how much longer should i wait till harvest????

    ya i didnt know what i was doing on those growing super skunk now that is just some bagseed by the way i got pics of the skunk check it out
  8. dbax4225

    how much longer should i wait till harvest????

    i got a couple but mosty the daylight bulbs i think need more of the yellowish ones right...sorry dont know how many ks it they are
  9. dbax4225

    how much longer should i wait till harvest????

    this is my first real grow and my plants is about 5 months old and about 6 1/2 feet tall. i vegged it for about 3 months ( i didnt know it would keep growing in flowering) and i didnt really have as much lights as i wanted i used about 6 24 watt cfls and 4 big 72 watt cfls to flower. now all her...
  10. dbax4225

    the tree!!

    yA she does have really skimmpy buds this is my first plant. im gonna grow much smaller and bushy next time
  11. dbax4225

    the tree!!

    grew this woman with cfls shes about 7 foot right now with about another month to go in flowering
  12. dbax4225

    First Grow(pics included)

    i think the lights will do the trick i have those and my girls are doing fine...
  13. dbax4225

    whats growing in texas...lets see yalls

    these are my girls (hopefully) they are all super skunk but differnt ages and some i new what i was doing more than others a couple were planted in fox farm and some in scotts. I also used miracle grow in all of them i know its bad but all i got for now there doing ok... the first one is one...
  14. dbax4225

    seedling is tall and thin and small i think

    ya more light try moving them closer to keep them about 3 inches from tha plant maybe some nutrients also to get rid of the yellowing
  15. dbax4225

    quick question on misting

    i used to mist my plants and notice my leaves curling and yellowing so i stopped and it made a huge difference.once i stopped the plants looked healthy again...i would say no misting
  16. dbax4225

    new super skunk pictures 3 weeks old

    ya im using miracle grow right now but i heard thats bad i wanted to pick up some fox farm got all there other stuff and it works great
  17. dbax4225

    new super skunk pictures 3 weeks old

    my super skunk is about 3 weeks how is she looking any tips??
  18. dbax4225

    Edges of leaves turning yellow, drying. Also, have nutrient/watering question

    i was thinking of using tiger bloom have u tried it how is it?
  19. dbax4225

    fox farm dont bug me

    i sprayed in the plant is still living....healthy
  20. dbax4225

    First Plants with Pics

    you need more light when you flower the cfl lights are the spiral light bulbs get about 4 of those and you should be good also maybe think about transplanting the smaller pots the plants will appreciate it