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  1. Ack

    Growbox Experiment

    I don't plan to start over, I had high hopes for this growbox. The gig is up, it was my roommate who found the disaster scene in the morning while I was at work, and apparently I'm lucky his girlfriend didn't call the cops. All in all it was a failed first grow, and a last. I had my fun, shit...
  2. Ack

    Growbox Experiment

    So I thought it'd be a good idea to hang the lights by metal link chain hooked together by a paperclip. It seemed like a good idea and worked for awhile pretty nicely, as the pictures would demonstrate. However things aren't always what they seem, my friends.. As luck would have it, somehow...
  3. Ack

    Growbox Experiment

    We've got flowers, I should be going into flowering soon.
  4. Ack

    Whats Killing Her?

    If it's ph related you'll want to either flush the soil, or add either some baking soda or vinegar depending on which way you want the ph to go. I'd recommend flushing it over adding anything unless you know what you're doing. Good luck!
  5. Ack

    growing simulator for computer

    I would also like to know
  6. Ack

    Growbox Experiment

    Thanks, and yes you do, they're quite a bundle of joy.
  7. Ack

    Growbox Experiment

    Considering her conveniently low height, I've decided not to make use of any pruning, topping, or LST in efforts to monitor her overall natural growth for cloning purposes. Instead, I'll be flowering when she reaches half the height available. Unless you'd recommend otherwise?
  8. Ack

    Growbox Experiment

    Day 26 Here's a couple of snapshots I took this evening, she's usually much perkier in the morning. So far my efforts to keep the height down have been paying off, I've seen plenty of other Northern Lights grows much taller than mine, so I'd assume it's holding up very well. Does anyone think...
  9. Ack

    Growbox Experiment

    I got 2 intake at the bottom, and 2 exhaust at the top.
  10. Ack

    Growbox Experiment

    Greetings, This project is something I set out to do on a budget, but won't mind investing into later on. I started out with a large computer box which I cut into 6 pieces. I wrapped each piece tightly in garbage bag, and sealed with ducktape. I then wrapped one side of each piece with...
  11. Ack

    Just trying to spread my seed.

    Just trying to spread my seed.