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  1. H

    My PLANTS DEAD.In Need OF seeds

    Hello evryone I had 3 plants which I grew from clones however they have perished but they did bud and the smoke as exellent. Plants perished due to the heat however I have now installed a wicked cooling system so am all ready to go again. However my mate has gone back to America for 12 months...
  2. H

    roots coming thru medium

    hi I have 2 plants growing in buckets of perlite.Buckets are sitting above reserviour bucket which has pump airstone water heater ect ect however have noticed roots coming thru the buckets would I have to change the buckets to bigger ones? Plants have been in flower cycle for 3 weeks now am...
  3. H

    roots coming thru hydrponic buckets

    hi I have 2 plants growing in buckets of perlite.Buckets are sitting above reserviour bucket which has pump airstone water heater ect ect however have noticed roots coming thru the buckets would I have to change the buckets to bigger ones? Plants have been in flower cycle for 3 weeks now am...
  4. H

    growroom 2.1 metres square light?

    hello people my grow room is 2.1 metres square am wondering if anyone can tell me if a 400 watt metal halide is big eneough to veg plant ?
  5. H

    IS this enough Light

    is 400 watt metal halide big eneough for a room? Room is2.1 meteres square
  6. H

    Ph run of

    Hello I am growing in soil I watered my plant but before doing so with test kit made sure the ph of the water was at 6.8.Well watered and then checked the ph of the run of it was at 8!!! Why is that I mean I put it in at 6.8 but run of was at 8??? I am guessing that this is why the plant has...
  7. H

    Guide to Plant Deficiencies

    hey dude can u tell me what is wrong with this plant?
  8. H


    hello peoples the plantin picture produced good bud however after plucking the buds put in darkness for 2 days and then returned under lights to 18 hour cycle.However the result has been that leaves have turned yellow and then red. Am wondering if maybe I should return it back to 12 hour cycle...
  9. H

    from budding to veging

    hello peoples the plantin picture produced good bud however after plucking the buds put in darkness for 2 days and then returned under lights to 18 hour cycle.However the result has been that leaves have turned yellow and then red. Am wondering if maybe I should return it back to 12 hour cycle...