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  1. rb1

    Strange New Shoots ( PICS )

    Cheers Guys I'll put the light up a bit and the weather here is cooling down a touch. I thought it was called something like foxtailing i read the term somewhere ages ago. Is this bad cos the heads are fairly clumpy and not yet mature but i'm not to keen on stringy stemmy heads.
  2. rb1

    Strange New Shoots ( PICS )

    Ive got the pics of the shoots in my albums but dont know how to add them to my post ive put one on my profile
  3. rb1

    Strange New Shoots ( PICS )

    Sorry can't get pics to work
  4. rb1

    Strange New Shoots ( PICS )

    G'day Guys My girls are into week 9 of flower and my main heads are getting new shoots there stems with single leaves and calyx's kinda lookin like stringy crap heads. Not sure if my timer played up but seems to be working now and theres no light leaks? I have already started to flush em as i...
  5. rb1

    A Guide To Recognising & Removing Bugs

    I used a drench called scarid10 and surface sprayed the crap out of my room and pots, it stunk like hell but the fumes didn't do any damage now all i find are the adult sciarid flies dead on the floor and none active. Do you reckon this will last ?