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  1. domc

    250w Red Spectrum CFL Flowering Bulb

    Hey. I flowered four plants using an Envirogrow 250w. I was happy with the yeild and quality... bit slower but no problems. Good luck with it.
  2. domc

    Stoner's views on Firearm rights.

    I'm just glad I live in the UK where it's prctically impossible to hold a gun legally. The last two gun massacres we had were both commited by people who held guns legally. If someone has a gun here and gets shot by the police then... too bad, if you get caught with a gun you're looking at doing...
  3. domc

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hi. Prices at the moment in Mcr seem to vary from about £140 an oz for pretty average weed to £200 for Blueberry. Sad thing is that it's all rushed, never dried out properly let alone cured.. it's all about profit and not the weed.
  4. domc

    Stem problem

    Ok. I was given some seeds, no idea of the sttrain and to be honest I've just let them get on with it and they're doing well. Six weeks old, producing their sixth set of leaves but two have developed a small lump between the first and second set of leaves which appear to be splitting the stem...