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  1. FireOwl

    PE and DMT!

    Dude... very nice! Great yield, sir!
  2. FireOwl

    help with sexing/advice.

    Meh, not really man. It's a hardcore male plant. Wouldn't be any point doing anything with it. It's a bummer to grow something for so long and have it be a male, but so it goes. The life of a small-time grower.. :O
  3. FireOwl

    PE and DMT!

    Man, I'm really glad to hear it. That sounds like stuff I've done before while really high, but I can't imagine it on that much higher a plane. Curiosity piqued again.. haha. The birth, death and dreaming relation.. The idea of anything that alters the chemical balance in the brain such that...
  4. FireOwl

    PE and DMT!

    Haha, I hear ya. I had the same dilemma this last whole year, and chose to have a new violin made rather than doing any loopy projects. Violin underway, I feel it's time to do some adventuresome summer conjuring again, ha. I was thinking of doing an Ayahuasca brew, but I might have to add...
  5. FireOwl

    first time growing

    I'd make sure you pH your soil and the water you're giving them. If the soil isn't between 6.2-6.8, they won't be able to absorb nutrients fully, and your plants and thus their yield will be significantly lower. If it's off, the cheapest and easiest solution is just to add baking soda to raise...
  6. FireOwl

    First CFL Grow (PICS)

    Dude.. knocking CFL's is retarded. HPS and CFL grows each have their own advantages. For instance, you get significantly more useful light per watt with CFL's, and yeah, they're much cheaper - which I find good, not bad. Not everyone wants to rock a $1,000+ grow rig just to smoke their own...
  7. FireOwl

    First CFL Grow (PICS)

    I've always just switched straight to 12/12. That's pretty much the norm, as simulating fall would take a while with no benefit that I know of. More effective and efficient to just give them the late autumn "time to flower" cycle straight off. Give 'em 70-120 days and you'll be smoking some...
  8. FireOwl

    First CFL Grow (PICS)

    Nah man, that sounds great. When I flower I use a 2700k-heavy mixture like that, as a range of frequencies is considered beneficial. Though instead of 5100k, my 'bright' bulbs are the same 6400k's I use for vegging. Looks like you're giving them great soil and plenty of nutes, and the plants...
  9. FireOwl

    <object width="512" height="288"><param name="movie"...

    <object width="512" height="288"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="512" height="288"...
  10. FireOwl

    Induceing flowering

    As far as inducing flowering, the plants will move along at their natural pace as long as you're giving them the right conditions. If you haven't already done so, you should switch your lighting to predominantly 2700k bulbs (I'm assuming you're doing CFL's?). This redder, warmer-toned light...
  11. FireOwl

    420th post

    Cheers man!
  12. FireOwl

    This is not a joke - I was just raided

    That's a shitty situation on the whole man, sorry to hear it. Given that the terms of their search were false anyway (provided your gun was a few hundred miles away as you stated), that's a really rotten deal. It is good to see the school and the police taking the possible issue seriously, but...
  13. FireOwl

    Can smokers drive drunks home safely?

    I'm with Tempestormer back on the first page. When I first started smoking, being high was mind-blowing, and the experience escalated every time. My buddy and I who got into it together would always just head to our "smoking chamber" and stay put. We always went out in the middle of the...
  14. FireOwl

    My Inspired Pipe

    Dang man, very nice work. Good move giving it to her, I'd say that's a pretty legit gesture.
  15. FireOwl

    The 5 word story

    frozen tundra, searching the darkness
  16. FireOwl

    KGB - had it once, haven't heard of it since

    Many thanks for the replies, guys. I'll definitely just have to keep my eyes open for it then. I was weirded out when I couldn't find any info on it, but it's good to hear it's out there and known, and I'm glad to hear you dudes liked it as much as we did!
  17. FireOwl

    Stealth CFL Cab Grow Sativa.

    Man! Sorry to hear it! I was just admiring what a nicely grown plant it was... very compact, very lush. What a shame! Keep it up, though. I want to see this come to fruition, you have a good setup. Here's to a great next grow!
  18. FireOwl

    RIU inspired Horror story

    Tight dude, your writing is good. Keep going, definitely. Hell, we should start a fiction section, but I doubt a bunch of stoners have the attention span for it... :P
  19. FireOwl

    The 5 word story

    But "hell," said koala, and
  20. FireOwl

    The 5 word story

    lungs, which could only mean