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  1. mysticcobe

    2nd bubbleponic grow!!

    nope for me 400 is no good....i used a 400 for my last grow nd was completely dissatisfied....none of the bud under my four main tops got any light....they were lime green as hell on harvest day....i trashed about 2 ounces of bud because it didnt photosynthesis properly......but thanks anyways!!
  2. mysticcobe

    2nd bubbleponic grow!!

  3. mysticcobe

    Help With Estimating Yeild

    umm i grew in water veg'd for a month and a week and used a 400 hps and flowered for 2 1/2 months and there was only one plant and i only got 3 1/2 oz's....6 oz's a plant is possible no doubt but to do that you have to do everything right starting from veg....u can't switch a plant to flower...
  4. mysticcobe

    2nd bubbleponic grow!!

    Well guys im back nd gettig ready to start my next grow. My first plant was a huge success and i now feel confident to try to do bigger and better. I'm gna start with a 10 plant set-up. So I now have a new question for ya'll...if im using a 55 gal. drum as my resevoir am i supposed to completely...
  5. mysticcobe

    starting seeds hydroponicly

    i put my seed in a paper towel then planted it in a grow cube and kept it moist until the root hit the bucket of water then its happy growing from there if ya know what ur doin!!
  6. mysticcobe

    first bubbleponic grow

    hey everybody!!! i know its been awhile but i work at fed-ex and we're goin thru peak season right now so i havent had much time to do anything besides work!!! haha but hey roseman i took ur advice and did the smoke a little every week of the cure and wow is all i can say!!! it changes every...
  7. mysticcobe

    How much longer???

    post some pics but what from what i've heard...if your plants start to go hermaphrodites you should chop em b4 they bang itself.....
  8. mysticcobe

    How much longer???

    oh ok cool!! so do you have a trichscope?? if not go to radio shack mine was 12 bucks nd it magnifies 60x-120x..thats the only surefire way to know when its ready!!!
  9. mysticcobe

    How much longer???

    hmm u sure that plant is some purple kush?? my buds were super purple by the time i got ready to harvest nd im not seeing too much if any purple on urs?? i got 2.96 ounces from mine
  10. mysticcobe

    first bubbleponic grow

    ok awesome....soo should i weigh after the cure or does it hurt to weigh it whenever?? because i dont have a scale yet i was gna get one in about 2 more weeks...
  11. mysticcobe

    first bubbleponic grow

    oh ok so it doesnt have to be mason jars!!! and does it matter how much bud i put in each one??
  12. mysticcobe

    first bubbleponic grow

    k well i left my 3 bigs and 1 medium colas still to dry but i put the smaller ones in a big pickle jar....will that do??
  13. mysticcobe

    How much longer???

    crazy thing is my plant was bag seed also!!! i haent wieghed it yet it's still hang drying but im gna put em in jars tmw nd i'll weigh it nd i'll let you colas lost ALOT I REPEAT ALOT of water weight....
  14. mysticcobe

    first bubbleponic grow

    ok hey mostlycrazy or roseman....its been 5 days since the hanging started nd well the stems arent snapping yet bud the buds feel pretty dry even my big colas....what should I do??
  15. mysticcobe

    first bubbleponic grow

    thanks infamous!! yea its an 04 mysticchrome cobra...they are indeed factory supercharged!!! nd for my next grow i plan to do about 20 plants 4 diff strains 5 plants a strain!!
  16. mysticcobe

    first bubbleponic grow

    hey roseman did you c the harvest!?!?!
  17. mysticcobe

    How much longer???

    I just harvested a purple kush plant and it went thru 9 weeks roughly of flowering...if you would like to c what it should look like then check out my thread that says "first bubbleponic grow"!!!
  18. mysticcobe

    first bubbleponic grow

    here's some more pics of the harvest.....
  19. mysticcobe

    first bubbleponic grow

    i have a box full of leaves nd trimmings nd stuff.....what do i do with em?? i would like to make butter with it do i do it??
  20. mysticcobe

    first bubbleponic grow

    oh nd by smoke out i meant like once or twice haha i know there my buddies nd all but ummm nothings free anymore!!!