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  1. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    You heard right Muffinman, metal halide has more of the blue end of the spectrum that your plants would need in veg. But 1000 watts . . . That is a lot more light than a 400 watter, honestly I'm not sure which to go with. Sorry for the delay in reply Littlegrower. The plants I'm getting...
  2. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    Man, it's been awhile since anyone's been around. I'm just popping back in to add, anyone growing this strain is going to need a hand microscope. The hairs on the THC Bomb are absolutely not indicative of ripeness. The clones are at the same point I harvested the last ones (roughly 80% red...
  3. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    Thanks Littlegrower. The next grow is coming along a little nicer. At least if the two biggest from it fill out better. But now the clones from that grow! I put one of them in a bubbler system with some hydrolux and it's just gone insane! I'll get some pics when I have more time and post them.
  4. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    Those CFLs add up fast though! I tried growing with just CFLs for a while and in the end it cost about as much as a 400 watt HPS. Now the guy at the hydroshop has me almost convinced on spending the cash for a 1000 watter. Sorry I've been absent for a while. Just thought you guys would like...
  5. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    I don't remember what the full wet weight was. We (my wife and I) use a food dehydrator to start the drying process. It speeds it up quite a bit but I don't dare let them get fully dry that way. Anyway the weight coming out of the dehydrator was around 8 oz. Not as much as I had hoped but . . ...
  6. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    You seem a little confused. I didn't harvest at 11 weeks, I harvested at 13 weeks, but that wouldn't be "sativa time." If you look back over the thread, when I say 13 weeks I mean total; from the moment they sprouted. That means about 9 weeks in flower. The timing + the color of the hairs +...
  7. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    Sorry for the late reply littlegrower. Yeah they really have. The runt's were the most impressive. The buds she had were just swollen. It's too bad there weren't more of them. So I just finished trimming them up and you called it man. The one you pointed out earlier was by far the top...
  8. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    Here are some more pics for you littlegrower. The one with the yellowing leaves isn't quite as dense as it looks in the pic but the runt and the other one are rock solid. Both have very different smells though. The one in the back is kind of peppery with a smell like nag champa. The runt is much...
  9. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    Week 12: Over half of the pistols have turned red, but other than that there hasn't been a lot of growth this week. So, we're switching them to straight ph balanced water to start to rinse for harvest next Friday-ish.
  10. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    Week 11: Not much new. The colas on the bigger two have gotten heavy enough that they are pulling the whole plants down. On the heavier one I've actually had to tie it up. The first pics are of the clones. The effects of the Hydrolux are remarkable. There are a couple of them that I've also...
  11. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    Yeah, fans are tricky. I keep reading that plants need airflow and I learned fast that they don't like a direct wind. Then I caught on that they don't even seem to like a light breeze. Come to think of it, it just seems like every time I turn on a fan in the same room as a plant it wilts. ;)
  12. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    I checked the history on my thermometer (it tracks the highest and lowest temps) and it said the lowest it's gotten was 61 which should be within an acceptable range but then my wife pointed out the plant with the damage is the one that was closest to the fan. So now we've got the fan off.
  13. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    The temps do get a little low at night. I'll see if there's something I can do to keep them higher. The electric heater is blocked off and we need to keep the door closed to keep it dark. Thanks!
  14. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    So, I've seen fan leaves turn yellow and get droopy and crappy looking towards the end of flowering before but now one of the THC Bomb's leaves have started turning purple. Check out the pic below. What could be causing this? Is it normal?
  15. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    There's no way of knowing what they end up at but right now I'd say it looks like there's about 5 oz all together. roughly 2ish on each of the big girls and one on the runt. Of course I'm hoping that'll improve before harvest. :hug:
  16. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    Week 10: Roughly two more weeks until harvest! The bigger girls are starting to get a little scraggley. Yellowing of the leaves and such, but I'm thinking that might be kind of normal at this stage. The biggest change you'll see in the pics is I moved the runt over with the clones since...
  17. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    Up until this last time cloning I used Clonex gel with good results. Clones rooted really fast (3 days - 1 week). This time I used a powder called Rootone. It's much less expensive than Clonex and it took the clones longer to root (2 weeks) but I like the way the clones remained way healthier...
  18. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    The curling on the leaves? I always seem to end up with a little of that. I'm not sure if it's the lights or the fans. The plants seem to respond well to lowering the lights and I am careful to never have the fans blowing directly on the plants but if I turn them off the temps shoot up. Anyway...
  19. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    Week 9: What to report since last I was here. The plants are continuing on schedule. I've rearranged them somewhat to try to get better light to the runt. So far it's the only one not producing bid ole' buds. But its tiny little cola does have density. That thing is as solid as a rock and...
  20. zieglerj

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    So, I'm thinking I'll wait until the fastest growers hit 12 inches (when I would normally want to start flowering) and then top them each as they cross that mark. Then, after the last one gets topped, I'll switch bulbs and start flowering. Cool? I'll probably be doing some other pruning at...