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  1. TokingToker

    Churchwarden Pipe

    Alright, so I'm ready to get a new piece. For a long time I've wanted to invest in a churchwarden pipe, but I can't figure out where to find one online. There are a couple local headshops in town, but they don't have anything close to what I'm looking for. I'd like a churchwarden pipe similar...
  2. TokingToker

    1 O. Schwag Brownies

    Ok, I've made butter and I've made brownies before, but I've always used top quality bud. This time, I'm thinking about getting some schwag to use instead. So 28 grams for this batch... should i cut it into 28 peices, 1 gram in each? or do you need more than that to get high? maybe 20 brownies...
  3. TokingToker

    Kief Brownies

    look up other threads on how to make cannabutter, because no, it isnt just as simple as throwing some kief in with other ingredients...
  4. TokingToker

    A question about joints

    alright thanks alot. you're of course right, it is school. usually we just take our glass pieces and leave them in my friends car, but it broke down last night :(
  5. TokingToker

    A question about joints

    so usually i smoke about of a glass piece or a bong, but tomorrow i have to carry it to a place that a pipe wouldn't be appropriate. instead, im digging out my rolling papers which i usually save for when i have shitty weed or when i want to feel like bob marley. anyways, some questions. if i...
  6. TokingToker

    drug store highs?

    just do kava. don't get kava tea because you have to consume so much of it to get an effect. go get some extract in a paste form. it'll come in a little tube, and it looks simply like a yellowish paste. You can eat it just out of the tube and it makes your mouth numb for like 15 minutes. A...
  7. TokingToker

    I hear mixed things about cooking in a microwave.

    my friend did this when he had some extra bud to experiment with. he used my coffee grinder and made the weed into powder. then he took the powder and added it to a jar of peanut butter. he put the jar in the microwave for 30 secs at a time, took it out, stirred it up, and repeated. after 9 or...
  8. TokingToker

    Your First Joint

    first time was on a golf course. we smoked on the golf course itself for awhile, and then we went and hot boxed the golf-course bathroom when i was 14. good times.
  9. TokingToker

    Doctors say you should drink fluoride

    my grandpa spent his whole life doing research and writing books on how fluoride causes cancer. he said that it was just propaganda and that fluoride does not have any health benefits. the government puts it in our water because its taken out of farmers fields, and they don't have anywhere else...
  10. TokingToker

    HOW TO TRANSPORT LESS THAN 1oz of bud on a plane

    i know this is a little bit of an old post, but im going to Chicago in a couple of months on a school trip. i was wondering what people thought of using tea bags. If i take a couple of the bags out of a box and replace the herbs inside with marijuana, then tie the bags back up and put them with...
  11. TokingToker

    Coconut Milk Idea...

    So i did it and it worked really well. The high fat content in the coconut milk was able to absorb a bunch of the thc out of the weed. I put some into a bowl and mixed it with soy sauce and hot sauce. I mixed that in with some fried shrimp and vegetables and was able to get really high off of a...
  12. TokingToker

    Coconut Milk Idea...

    So basically heres my idea. People have made weed milk to put into tea or coffee, but has anybody ever tried coconut milk? I think it has more fat than regular milk so I'm guessing it might work. Does anyone have any idea about how i should extract the thc or how much weed i should use? Once...
  13. TokingToker

    8 days in the dirt

    looking mighty fine. are you sure its a she (feminized?)
  14. TokingToker

    who is willing to help tweak my recipe?

    I think using the weed while frying the bacon will work. Tried it one time before and it turned out nicely, but i got the rest of the grease out of it with an egg just to make sure i didnt lose any oil. i used canna butter on some toast, and some weed tea to drink. now that was a kicking breakfast.
  15. TokingToker

    Cooking marijuana in a microwave

    my friend did this when he had some extra bud to experiment with. he used my coffee grinder and made the weed into powder. then he took the powder and added it to a jar of peanut butter. he put the jar in the microwave for 30 secs at a time, took it out, stirred it up, and repeated. after 4 or 5...
  16. TokingToker

    Wisdom Teeth

    So i just got my wisdom teeth taken out a couple hours... all four had to be dug out. i dont really feel like smoking right now, but i was wondering if anyone knew how long i would have to wait before i could toke up? All I can do is sit on a couch, and sitting on this couch high would be much...
  17. TokingToker

    Planning my first grow. A few questions.

    this thread has been a huge help. i ve been wanting to grow a lowrider strain myself once i can get into a place without so many roomates... could you ballpark how much $ it took to get your whole set-up (minus of course your desk)
  18. TokingToker

    How much should I use?

    Damn, well then first i have to find a freind with a grinder. I only know of one freind, and his is so dang tiny it would take all day to grind it up. Also, does smoking schwag make you stink more then dank?
  19. TokingToker

    How much should I use?

    My mother is out of town for the next 2 weeks, so I bought 3/4 an once of schwag to cook with and share with all of my freinds. The problem is I have only ever cooked firecrackers with dank weed. This time i want to make a whole bunch of cake or brownies, but I dont know how much weed I should...