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  1. S

    hardware about to close HELP!

    Walmart has a 6 pack of 26watt soft white cfls for about 10 bucks. Sounds like you should do some reading.
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    attitude shipping?

    Read their FAQ
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    First Time Closet Grow 5-6 Weeks (Input welcomed)(Pics)

    High temps and low humidity. Set a big bowl of water in their with them to get the humidity up. 55% should be your goal during veg.
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    what and how many cfl's!!!

    Get 3 42watt 6500k CFLs, and 3 42watt 2700k CFLs. Use a scrog setup for maximum yield with CFLs. Good luck. That is the absolute minimum number of bulbs I would use for a SCROG setup with 3-4 plants. If you don't SCROG then you will need lighting under the canopy aswell as over the top...
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    1st grow unknown strain.

    Well if you use the hps for side lighting you would have to constantly rotate the plants. You can put fluorescent around the grow area so every plants gets the side lighting. Less heat so you don't have to worry about heat stress. Also you can use either low or high spectrum bulbs to suit your...
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    1st grow unknown strain.

    I'd get some fluorescent to sidelight instead of the hps. If you think they are big now wait until you start flowering. They will grow another foot or two.
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    when will it flower outdoors

    All depends on your location. You can harvest when they are done.. Some strains finish early, and some take many more weeks.
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    3 weeks into flowering. Looking good??

    Your plants look great supernova. Are you sure this is your first time growing? ;-)
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    10 Weeks, What sex is it??

    They both got balls man. Sorry for your luck. I'd give the second one another week to be sure. It may end up being hermi.
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    PC Case Lowryder GROW

    Nice job so far. I was looking through, and wondering why you stopping training them? You should train it down again in another direction. This will open the plant up so more light gets in. Also will stop you from needing to trim the leaves to let more light to the lower buds.
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    my first crop coming to an end (pics)

    Looks great. Very nice setup, and the plants look healthy as hell. I love to see a well tuned sog. Keep up the good work.
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    Cutting off Cola leaves for more light ??

    You can trim the leaves so more light hits the lower parts of the plants, but the leaves are how the plant feeds itself so.. In my experience, trimming leaves encourages new leaf growth. It won't hurt to trim a few, but if you take the majority the plant may react by slowing bud production.
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    Supercropping & LST before & after

    Unfortunately you waited way to long to start training. It's still good that your trying new techniques.
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    Closet Grow (with pics) - Feedback plz

    You won't be able to tell what strain you are growing. You can tell if it's indica or sativa dominant but that's about it. You can tell certain phenotypes about the plant(Smell/taste/thc production/size/etc), and decide from their what type of plant that sounds like, but since different plants...
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    should we trim it up?

    I use a lot of bending techniques. Works out very well. Instead of one main cola you have a bunch of them. You should look into low stress training(LST).
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    If you have grown ruderalis.........

    The White's are a very good strong strain. It's all up to you..
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    If you have grown ruderalis.........

    If the conditions are near perfect you can easily get 1oz from an auto flowering strain. I've grown a few, and got an average 20 grams(dry) each.
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    Flower it and it will produce buds if it's a herm and not pure male.
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    Closet Grow (with pics) - Feedback plz

    You don't want to add any nutes while your plants are this small. It will kill them. You don't need any additional lightening at this point in their life. The temps are kind of high. Try to find a way to lower them asap. Shouldn't harm the plants just yet, but can cause major problems later on.