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  1. M

    transfered clones into dirt(problem)

    sounds like they are just a little waterlogged. I wouldnt worry too much about them. im betting by tommorow they will start picking up again.
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    First grow - Got a few questions about my grow room.

    I would say for the ventilation issue the best way is to hang a thermometer in your grow tent and run it for a good few hours come back and then check the temp. that way you know for sure - its always easy to make adjustments and sort your issues out before your start growing. I would think...
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    Super stealth grow Idea

    The best stealth idea yet. im very jealous
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    Server case stealth grow - got a few questions

    awesome idea, thanks smokedoggy... im definitely going to make something like that. I picked up some carbon hood extractor filters this weekend that im going to cut up and try out for the smell factor
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    Server case stealth grow - got a few questions

    You know ill bet those louvres(the are only about an inch thick right?) would work great with the carbon sheets... it would certainly change the velocity and direction of the air flow but nothing an extra fan inside to stir things up couldnt fix. I had a buddy over last night (who doesnt know)...
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    Server case stealth grow - got a few questions

    thanks for the ideas guys, I had thought of designing a light trap but i cant imagine how i could make one without taking up too much precious space. I've heard of people using black nylons to help block light. anyone ever try this? no matter what im going to do its going to seriously slow down...
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    Server case stealth grow - got a few questions

    *bump - could really use some ideas asap
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    T5 2ft 4 bulb setup!! (4 6500K)

    t5's are super cool and make me drool a little.. - and with nice lumen output for how compact they are. I wanna set up a mini fog cloner with a couple 1ft t5's
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    Server case stealth grow - got a few questions

    Hello ladies and gents, I'm relatively new to RIU (so go easy on me) but have been enjoying the vast amounts of knowledge on this site. My setup: -gutted dell poweredge 2300 server case (10.3 in wide, 23.3 in deep and 17.3 inches tall.) lined with mylar and a hard plastic on all walls...
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    having trouble with rockwool seed sprout, and a random hydro setup question,need help

    i usually squeeze the top of the cube after to close it up and have never had trouble but pistilsatdawn's idea is pretty good.
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    T5 2ft 4 bulb setup!! (4 6500K)

    I like the setup! everyone is looking happy - couple ladies look a bit thirsty no?