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  1. F

    Advanced nutriens Overdrive, anyone used this????

    Mine r pretty big also, dense too, but I'm hoping for more :-) I will wait it out an see what happens!!!
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    Advanced nutriens Overdrive, anyone used this????

    Got some super skunk #2 (or as am told it's this strain), they are 4 days from the end of week 8, but I used overdrive in week 5 & 6, which some say slows maturity a little givin it extra time to bulk up, has anyone else found this? I still see alot of milky pistils, and trics are cloudy, no...
  3. F

    rez changes.... how important???

    Thanks for the tips, but i think i have it under control now, i decided it would be beneficial to fully change the rez regurlarly so i use a little submersable water pump to suck all the manky water out, this is very easy compared to physically lifting these huge heavy plant up and trying to...
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    rez changes.... how important???

    Thanks again for the tips. Just a quick update on ppm reading, I use the canna calculator on the website and it asks for ppm type and always selected Hanna, and once mixed it was always very close to what the website said it should be so I guess I picked the right option!!!
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    net pot size...

    I started mine using 80mm pots, it was fine to start with but as the plants got to about a foot tall they kept toppling over and the net pot got fully submerged, only good thing is the roots growing thru it keep it together, now they r about 5 feet tall it's a nightmare, I have tied the stems so...
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    rez changes.... how important???

    Thank you, I shall top the water daily, if I follow the Lucas formula u directed me to I will do 3 water and the fourth day nutes. I have 4 rez's with 2 plants in each, I got 2 down to 1500ppm and the other 2 down to the more acceptable 850ppm, I will see how it goes over the next few days!!!
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    rez changes.... how important???

    Not sure about the conversion thing, it's a digital stick with an LCD display on! Before I was puttin nute mix in, then next time just plain ro water, should I just top it up all week with water then nutes at weekend? Thanks for the replies
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    rez changes.... how important???

    Got some bubblers on the go, plants seemed ok, nice an big with fat stems, tallest is about 5ft 5" now, some signs of deficiency showing now 3 weeks into flower, leaf edges yellow and some yellow/light brown patches between viens on some leaves. I was completely emptying rez regularly but now...
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    Quick Temperature question!!!!

    One of them is yes, but the 2nd one is a basic reflector, I only just bought the 2 kits with digi ballasts and it cost me quite a bit so I thought I would see how I get on with just the 1 cooltube I already had!!! I am aware that they say 75f is perfect but mine didn't look half as good as they...
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    Quick Temperature question!!!!

    So, I been growing a while quite successfully but recently changed to bubble buckets, and I upgraded the lights to 2x digital ballasts with 600w dual spectrum bulbs. Now for the temp question, with my 1.2m tent closed the temp gets upto 100f, is this too much??? I was previously leaving...
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    DWC experiment not going great!!!!

    I was the same, i was startin to get bummed out with it was not goin as well as it should and thinkin i might have to go back to coco, but im pleased to see they r lookin better now, i measured the height yesterday afternoon and they were 12 inches and this morning they r 12 and a half inches...
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    DWC experiment not going great!!!!

    Yes I got the temps sorted now, sometimes I get it down to 15c (59f) but it usually around 20c (68f) and much like yourself it gets upto about 21c (70f) by lights out, but I just pop a frozen bottle of water in their! And I too don't go mad with the cal mag cos the bottles have a warning that...
  13. F

    Bubbler with no bubbles!!! WTF!!!!

    Well im in the uk and i got calcium and magnesium from Each in 1 litre bottles, £20 for both inc free delivery. And yes i can imagine they would have been alot better with proper care, they seemed to shoot up quite quick for the first week or so then just sort of stopped and...
  14. F

    DWC experiment not going great!!!!

    I can well believe it matey, I read so many diff opinnions and ideas now I dunno what to believe anymore, I am doing some trial and error with new bubbler I started last night, week solution to start with an see how it goes, fingers crossed it works, I don't wanna go back to coco after puttin...
  15. F

    Bubbler with no bubbles!!! WTF!!!!

    A few weeks ago i removed the 4 airstones from a homemade DWC bucket i had no intention of flowering the 8 plants that were in it, they were a test run, after being sat on the floor with the roots sitting in about 2 inches of water for 2 or 3 weeks (im talking away from light and warmth) they...
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    DWC experiment not going great!!!!

    Thanks for the replies again, all insights welcome :-) last night I scooped out a few litres of the solution and put some plain water in and got the ppm down to about 850, they should be pretty big now at around 3 weeks but still only 10 inches tall, the burnt tips must mean over fert so I will...
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    DWC experiment not going great!!!!

    Well i am using canna aqua vega and i downloaded a chart which said to use between 1.5 - 3 ml per litre for new clones, and 4ml per litre of rhizotonic, which gave me around 800ppm (i used the lower amount of 1.5 to be safe), now they have been in a little while i upped the dose to 2ml of vega...
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    DWC experiment not going great!!!!

    I still aint getting much joy, I got some cal-mag, added it in, and the plants did perk up a bit, the colour darkened quite well, and they seemed to be stretching up for the light more, but as for growth..... well non, do they need recovery time or something? I found the rez was getting too...
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    so its true!! bubbles are the dogs bollox

    The dogs bollocks.... ace, to quote Samuel L Jackson in "The 51st State" "So.... bollocks is bad...... but the dogs bollocks is good!!!!" lmao, good film
  20. F

    DWC experiment not going great!!!!

    Thats good advice Cissy thanks, I will invest in some calcium and magnesium, I know from past experience that if u skimp on quality your end result suffers so now im glad i got the RO system, a store i use alot sells cal and mag so i will order some! Thanks