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  1. Hogdady

    I am not on this site very much but I have followed your thread for awhile. I just want to...

    I am not on this site very much but I have followed your thread for awhile. I just want to commend you for all of your efforts here, I'm sure it's alot of work/time. I have benefited from advice you have given me and others and I just want to say THANKS MUCH!
  2. Hogdady

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    Hey Iam5toned, Can you help me to understand something about 220 single phase? If the power flow in 110 is line thru load to neutral to ground (at main panel), what would be the flow in 220? Thx for your help.
  3. Hogdady

    DIY= Do It Yourself Water Chiller that Works!

    in honor of cruzer....bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  4. Hogdady

    DIY= Do It Yourself Water Chiller that Works!

    since i am such a generous person, i will take in rip in your honor....:eyesmoke:
  5. Hogdady

    DIY= Do It Yourself Water Chiller that Works!

    couldn't wait....already did! bongsmilie oh btw, I'm gonna use your idea...thx (but no royalties)
  6. Hogdady

    DIY= Do It Yourself Water Chiller that Works!

    is it okay if we smoke sum shit? :bigjoint:
  7. Hogdady

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    connect the black wire from your power cord to the black wire of the thermostat. connect the blue wire from the thermostat to the black wire of the fan. connect the white wire of your power cord to the white wire of your fan. connect the green wire of your power cord to the green wire of the...
  8. Hogdady

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    not to mention that if you go over your baseline the kwh unit price doubles! :o
  9. Hogdady

    A brown curse has fell upon my buds

    I have exactly the same thing going on right now. No one seems to know what it is. Destroyed 70% of my harvest. If anybody is able to help you, they would also be helping me.
  10. Hogdady

    Yellow and Brown Spots ending in death

    thanks...gonna spray tomorrow
  11. Hogdady

    Yellow and Brown Spots ending in death

    I have flushed numerous times, but have not used epsom salts. I will give it a try. Thanks for your input.
  12. Hogdady

    Yellow and Brown Spots ending in death

    Sorry, I am new here. MH lighting, foxfarm soil, and General Hydroponics nutes. About 40 plants in the room. This was my tenth crop. The condition starts off with small yellow spots near leaf vein and than the leaf starts to yellow then drys up to crispy brown. This eventually infects the whole...
  13. Hogdady

    Yellow and Brown Spots ending in death

    Just lost most of my crop to this. Started out with small yellow and brown spots next to leaf veins, followed by leaves turning yellow than dead. Plant eventually died. First noticed at last stage of veg. Just put some plants from a friend that are 2 weeks into bloom in the room and they are...