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    drying trimmings

    do i have to dry the trimming before making cannabutter or wot??
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    is this male??

    i aint picked noffing off the plant and basically on the nodes there arnt baslls but at the top of the plant there are soo im confused aswell jus guna have to wait ans see if it prouced pollen
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    is this male??

    is this a male or a female xxx i cant tell :S
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    Is my girl healthy....

    yeh im trying some light version of lst and jus tying her down long will she take from start to finish flowering?
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    Is my girl healthy....

    fanx will do, i have toped her but im confused at how long it takes until i see resulf, two fan leave stalk fingys have grew upwards but i dnt no if that was the end result or not
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    Is my girl healthy....

    is my girl healthy........she was transplanted not long ago and had a lil overwatering problem due to me being obsessed:wall: but im sure i sorted it.......any tips fro making her bushier??
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    overwatering help? outdoor grow

    nope it not waterlogged just wet to touch
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    overwatering help? outdoor grow

    ive been told im overwatering my plant, and that may be the reason its leaves are drooping, there is forecast rain in about 2 days time and i dont no if the plant will have is there any ways of preventing the soil gettin wet, like puting a plastic bag over it or sumfin, has...
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    Male or female?? give me the bad news :(:(

    fanx for the advice i will do.....any tips for if the weather forecast is rainy to stop the soil soaking it up, would a plastic bag over the soil help?
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    Male or female?? give me the bad news :(:(

    yeh i bin overwatering since the transplant so im just gunna let nature water them n nute it everyso often
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    Male or female?? give me the bad news :(:(

    nar its just been transplanted cuple days ago so its drooping, plus its rained abit :( 2 died from the transplant i had to walk them a mile from my gf house to my plot its all explained here if your wondering why it looks stressed...
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    Male or female?? give me the bad news :(:(

    cant tell myself they have what i thin look like green pistils but the my just be leaves, but the also have lyk a tiny lil gren flower but its not a ball....any help, sorry for pictur quality
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    also the leaves are not dry yet there stil nice and soft and fluffy jus not standing up
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    the root ball was at the bottom of the stalk above the cement the roots where still intact when i transplanted so i really dont think the roots are done for.......shes havn a lil hissy ft because she liked her space inbetween the concrete
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    what does cut it back meen and what does it do? and i gotta feeling they should recover (touchwood) considerin the conditions they where in before i have a strong belief these are hardy plants :P
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    basically i just moved whate very little, soil there was and pulled at the stem the roots where not doing to well in the cracks and just came throught they where very skiinny roots but the ball root was still intact il update in a couple days on if they recover
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    well when i searched alot off people who's plant where wilting had too much water, but i had just moved the pots and i ddnt water very much so could it jus be stress....and are the recoverable?
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    ok, ths is a long story but my GF's nan through some canary seed in the garden and some plants grew.....bu these plants were healthy as fuck(first pictures) thing is they where growing in a crack in between the concrete in here garden:o these are when they where in the crack in concrete her...
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    would this work!

    would it work if i heated some, ground up bud, in olive oil on a spoon then added the mix to a shot of vodka?? im tryin this soon will post up