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  1. rorylegrant86

    Newbie needs help with plant problem during flower **PLEASE HELP PICS INCLUDED

    I have a recirculating system using flora expert and am having similar troubles. Have you figured it out? Bedfore i would use the flora simple and had no problems.
  2. rorylegrant86

    35th day flowering under the sun

    thanks man, yeah i am starting to get excited
  3. rorylegrant86

    Brown Rust Spots on BlackBerry Plants NEED Help!! Many PICS!

    my plant had a similar problem, it ended up being nute burn and a lack of nitrogen. also do you check the ph of your water
  4. rorylegrant86

    35th day flowering under the sun

    yeah i have just been checking online daily to see when the sun rose and then i just take it down at that time in the evening
  5. rorylegrant86

    35th day flowering under the sun

    oh and she is 25 inches tall
  6. rorylegrant86

    35th day flowering under the sun

    yes everyday i take it down at 6 in the evening and put her in my basement . i forced it to start budding because it was getting to big for where i have it.
  7. rorylegrant86

    35th day flowering under the sun

    yeah i had a nute burn flushed it trimmed it a bit and its doing well
  8. rorylegrant86

    35th day flowering under the sun

    check out these pics tell me what you think
  9. rorylegrant86

    why are my leaves spotting and yellowing??? pictures

    ok well i up'd the micro's and trimmed off some of the dead crispy leaves. it is now day 30 of budding and i just uploaded a new pic of the freshly trimmed plant in my album for it check it out tell me what you think. this is my first time so i know i'm just rookie but i still just love the...
  10. rorylegrant86

    why are my leaves spotting and yellowing??? pictures

    so should i up the levels of the bloodmeal. right now its on a 10 30 10 of bonemeal bloodmeal and glacial rock dust for all the micronuts
  11. rorylegrant86

    why are my leaves spotting and yellowing??? pictures

    My plant is growing outdoors and it started budding about two weeks ago. but now most of the older leaves have small rust colored spots and are yellowing and withering at the tips. I have included these pics if anyone could look and tell me what this could be i would greatly appreciate it. (I...