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  1. G

    Sharksbreath leaves turning white...???

    The testers have been telling me it's at 6.5 ph but I honestly don't know how reliable they are.
  2. G

    Sharksbreath leaves turning white...???

    I am at about the three week mark of my second attempt at growing and wanted you guys to help me diagnose my plant. I am growing in a cfl cab with about 100 watts on 6 plants right now. Three are autoflowering and the other three are regular. One of the regular plants, DNA Genetics Sharksbreath...
  3. G

    Autoflower grow questions ???.......

    Was looking at self ballasted 150 watt hps lights and wanted to know what everyone thought of it being in my grow with my kinda temps etc...
  4. G

    Autoflower grow questions ???.......

    Hi I am starting up my second and hopefully first successful grow and had a couple questions that some of the more experienced growers can help me out a bit. I have ordered 5 feminized Autoflower Hindu Kush and 5 Feminized Autoflower White Russian seeds from Lowlife. I am growing stealthily in a...
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    Clone questions

    Aight so that second post was a redo of the first one cause I thought it hadnt got sent because my internet fucked up to I was not asking again and apologize for that and for my soil ph I did a test to determine it.
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    Clone questions

    What exactly do you mean by runoff? 6.8 is my tapwater. Is there any nutrients that would help this defiency that I could get at a regular store such as walmart or canadian tire?
  7. G

    Clone questions

    Not exactly sure what you mean by runoff but 6.8 is my regular tap water any suggestions on good nutrints that I could find at walmart or canadian tire that would help no specialty hydro or grow stores here cause its a bit to remote
  8. G

    Clone questions

    well the 100 plus degrees was a while ago when it was still quite young and all it did was kinda grow upwards for a bit but once I completed my grow room and dopped temps it got alot better but then this suddenly happend. I am also running it just about two inches away and 24 hours a day thanks
  9. G

    Clone questions

    The ph of the water is 6.8 which I believe is neutral, I have been using schultz plant food 10-15-10 for about a week and it is at half strenght right know. The soild is schultz moisture control which has a ph of 6.4. Lighting is 2 45 watt compact florescent for today but I will be changing that...
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    Clone questions

    You really think thats the only thing? My lights arent really far away the light in this is when it was taking out for 30 seconds into a regularly lit room to take the pictures.
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    Clone questions

    So here it is my bc roadkill on day twenty something. I am just curious is this super small for how long it has been growing and how healthy does it look?. Do the yellowing of the leaves look normal or a possible deficiency or fungus? When do you think I could possible take clones to determine...
  12. G

    My cfl grow at 15 days

    My containers are the 6 inch ones. I just transplanted them a little bit ago from very small ones. I just started adding nutes today. Some 10-15-10 schultz nutes cause they were the only ones I could find. Do you guys think the burns are possibly from the heat of the bulbs or something more...
  13. G

    My cfl grow at 15 days

    Alright so heres the deal I have 2 45 watt 6500 k cfl's and 1 42 watt 2700 k and 1 40 watt 2700 cfl. They have been veggin on 24/0 for 15 does now. The temps usually stay in the high 80's(I know not preferable but not much I can do right know) There is one intake fan and two fans circulating air...
  14. G

    Shitty droopy leaves

    So I started my first grow about a week and a half ago. I got ten bc roadkill seeds from hempdepot and decided to germinate three in hopes of having one female. I sprouted them and everything was fine for a bit until about three or four days ago when I noticed one of my babies was starting to...
  15. G

    HPS light that shitps to Canada?

    check out or or Can't vouche for there prices or shipping etc. but I believe they are all based in Canada
  16. G

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    I am about to start my first grow under a couple fluorescents in a bit and was wondering. Should I go 24 till they sprout and then switch to 12/12 or go 18/6 till sprout or just straight 12/12 for the whole thing? Any advice would be greatly appericiated
  17. G

    Temperature problem

    Ive actually been attempting this while I started this thread but with frozen water bottles inside the grow room, il attempt your suggestion in a minute and thank you for your input. I also forgot to mention that there is a identical fan to the intake blowing in the room, i am waiting for my...
  18. G

    Temperature problem

    I regret to inform you that out of basic necesity I have been forced to create a new thread for my single problem like so many of the noob growers before me. I have 2 27 watt cfl's 1 40 watt and 1 23 watt cfl. My stealth grow cab is 16" deep 24" wide and 36" tall. I have a small desk fan at the...
  19. G

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    I am waiting on some seeds right now but just bought a thermometer yesterday, i realised that my grow room temperature is up to 89f. The dimensions are 14" deep 24" wide and 36" tall. I have a small desk fan for the intake and a computer fan for the exhaust but still cant seem to keep the...
  20. G

    just recieved my hemp depot order

    Did the letter have anything on the outside indicating that it was from hemp depot or contained seeds ?