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  1. eroticusj

    help!!!topped plant dying

    thank you very much moggggys. i just barley put it into a cup of water... when would you say its safe to plant? just when it starts lookin better? and im going with the bottle idea as well
  2. eroticusj

    help!!!topped plant dying

    sorry for not being more clear it is the part of the plant that i topped that isnt doing well. the other plant is doing great!
  3. eroticusj

    help!!!topped plant dying

    First time grower, and up to this point everthing has been going okay. I decided to top plant today because i have no more room in grow box. Its 2 weeks into flower. i know its not a good idea to top plant while its in flower but it was touching my lights. so i topped the plant about an hour ago...