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  1. jobless

    Why is weed so much better in california than anywhere else?

    HAH! I swear to God I didn't see that when I went off on Oregon. Funny.... Anyway, just one more reason to hate Oregon hahahahaha!!!
  2. jobless

    Why is weed so much better in california than anywhere else?

    Blow it out YOUR ass haha! Kind of surprising to find out that Oregon was the first state to decriminalize it, though, I never would've guessed that. I lived in Portland for four years and, although it was liberal, it was also pretty fucking lame (but they do have some BOMB-ass weed there, just...
  3. jobless

    Why is weed so much better in california than anywhere else?

    Yeah, I agree. I wanted to chime in about the whole hydro thing that everybody seems to be obsessed with, but, first and foremost, y'all need to stop fucking with stonedmetalhead. I've seen his comments in other rollitup forums before, dude's not an idiot. And OBVIOUSLY people have HUGE...
  4. jobless

    Why is weed so much better in california than anywhere else?

    That's decriminalization, not legalization. There's a difference. If weed's decriminalized, you still get a ticket and a fine for possession, you just don't go to jail and get put on probation and shit. California WAS the first state to legalize it (meaning absolutely NOTHING happens to you if a...
  5. jobless

    Why is weed so much better in california than anywhere else?

    Really? What state was the first to legalize marijuana for medical use? I know there were plenty of states to decriminalize marijuana (of which, California was one of the first, if not the first), but I was under the impression that Cali WAS the first. What state legalized medical marijuana...
  6. jobless

    Why is weed so much better in california than anywhere else?

    Our "attitudes and egos"? Yeah, I do have an attitude and an ego. I'm proud of the fact that I live in the freest state in America. I'm proud of the fact that we're leading the way for the rest of the US when it comes to any kind of "progressive" issue whatsoever. I'm free here. I can do pretty...
  7. jobless

    Why is weed so much better in california than anywhere else?

    Also, pretty much every strain in Amsterdam (and by extension, the world) contains Cali Genetics. Any article in High Times about Amsterdam, Neville, the early seed banks, whatever, mentions the fact that all of these amazing early strains originated in Cali. So, for all you Cali-bashers...
  8. jobless

    Why is weed so much better in california than anywhere else?

    I've lived in Los Angeles for ten years and there's no place I'd rather be. California is NOT like every other state in the US and anybody who says so should maybe spend a year or two here and tell me that it is. If it was like every other state, then there'd be medical marijuana available to...
  9. jobless

    Sour Diesel grow W/ PICTURES, 400W HPS.

    Thanks for answering my questions. And I agree with sandman, it doesn't look like any Sour Diesel I've ever seen, although they look still look fantastic.
  10. jobless

    Sour Diesel grow W/ PICTURES, 400W HPS.

    Really nice looking plants, datkid. Kudos! Sour Diesel's my favorite strain EVER and I'm planning on growing some as soon as I get into a bigger apartment (hopefully in the next two or three months). Just a couple questions, if you don't mind. First, how has it been growing the Sour Diesel? I...
  11. jobless

    Reserva Privada's Head Band

    Way late for what? Again, you're a fucking moron.
  12. jobless

    Reserva Privada's Head Band

    Well, you know, when you're living in the center of the pot growing universe, not to mention the first state in the US where cannabis will be fully legal (can't wait for November 4th to get here!), it's easy to get a big head. And it's " "THEY'RE the only ones", not "there."
  13. jobless

    Reserva Privada's Head Band

    Well, that was entertaining. Genuity, you might be the biggest fucking idiot I've ever come across on this or any other forum. Number one, learn to fucking SPELL, please. Number two, how is it possible that you don't understand the point that stonedmetalhead is trying to make? Yes, every plant...
  14. jobless

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Just another quick question for anybody who may know: I realize that every strain is different, some veg quicker than others, some slower blahblahblah, but I was wondering at what week do you generally take your cuttings for clones? Obviously, there has to be enough vegetative growth to even...
  15. jobless

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Thanks, Dirrty, I'll try that method out.
  16. jobless

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    What do you mean,"Trim rockwool back"? You mean just cut up the rockwool until there's very little left? Is it okay to stick it in the netpots if there's still a little bit of rockwool clinging to the roots? I know you said that you haven't had any problems, but isn't there the possibility of...
  17. jobless

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Can anybody tell me how I can use clones that are already rooted in rockwool in this system? I'm extremely interested in Stinkbud's system, but, since I live in SoCal, pretty much every dispensary sells clones that are already rooted in rockwool or coco or even soil sometimes. Will I have to cut...
  18. jobless

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey everybody, just thought I'd share this little nugget of info with you all. Check this out: This person took Stinkbud's plans and is now trying to sell his setup on Craig's List. They're asking $1200 for four of them! Ridiculous...
  19. jobless

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Thanks again, Donk and Big Time Roofer for answering my questions. I think I've got it pretty much figured out. Now it's just a matter of finding a job, getting out of my current living situation, finding a new apartment that's suitable for this type of grow and getting started with it. That...
  20. jobless

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Thanks, Donk and Big Time Roofer for answering my question about cleaning the reservoir. Just another quick question (of course haha!). You guys said that you turn your pump off 30 minutes before cleaning. Obviously it doesn't hurt the plants, otherwise you wouldn't be doingg it. What I was...