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  1. B

    my first hermaphrodite

    Okay okay I just didn't see the white hairs but I trust you if you say they are there. That is most definitely a hermi.
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    Police powers

    which is why I replied in the first place because I knew nobody would read this thread's contents once seeing the format
  3. B

    Police powers

    Wow please learn how to indent or hit enter between groups of sentences man. God damn copy and paste your shit into word next time, this is a freakin mess!
  4. B

    my first hermaphrodite

    That plant looks male and the part that you clarified as definitely female is not female lol.
  5. B

    first grow! how does it look? pics.

    Looks like you should start over. Extreme nute burn in that baby. Doubt it will survive. Next time wait at least 3 weeks before starting nutes. Maybe even read a grow faq. I think every single one says the most common problems by a noob are over fert/over water.
  6. B

    Attn Noobs: DO NOT expect any decent replies to your questions...

    First, please learn how to indent or at least hit return between every 2 - 3 sentences so its not so hard to read your post. Second, I understand your frustration, but this post makes you look like a mad 13 year old kid.
  7. B

    Anyone seen this?

    This happens to everyone at some point or another. Perfectly normal to have a plant way behind in showing sex, in fact I think that happens every time to me.
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    Boy oh boy?? First flower updates

    Yes males tend to grow faster and more vigorous than the females of the same strain. Not always the best way to weed out males, but you can start by looking at the taller/fatter stalked plants.
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    antibiotics effect marijuana high

    Sure let me dig up the research I was referring to. You can't find anything on the effects of nicotine on the brain and the effects of THC on the brain? Cmon now. To give you a short summary Nicotine constricts capillaries and therefore restricts blood flow to your brain. So without blood...
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    Curling leaves (downward tips) / yellow spots

    Be patient now....and the leaves that are already affected the worse, dont expect them to come back and be uniformly green and pretty. If things don't look better in 3 - 4 days I would transplant into some Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil and that way you don't have to worry about nutes or pH for...
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    AHHAHAAHh that is f'in ON POINT:joint:
  12. B

    Anyone ever....

    GB is prob the most unhealthy way to smoke, especially if your using a cheap socket that has some kind of coating painted on it. No filtration/hot smoke/and off of metal Can't think of a worse way to smoke.
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    antibiotics effect marijuana high

    Not really to do with antibiotics but wanna know something interesting that a lot of people don't know? Nicotine reverses the affect of THC. Yes people smoking cigs reduces your high whether you think so or not, its a fact. I love making fun of people who smoke mj and then light up a cig...
  14. B

    Newb Grow CFL/150W HPS stealh white widow

    You are probably right that it is genetics then. What about your pH?
  15. B

    Boy oh boy?? First flower updates

    Glad you waited. A lot of members on this site give ill advice towards pulling plants way to early. People on here claim a plant is a male before it even has become sexually mature. :cry:
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    Curling leaves (downward tips) / yellow spots

    You need to flush it to get the excess salts out. Letting it dry out with excess salts is gonna make the plant absorb those excess salts and your gonna have mroe and more spotting. Flush ASAP and then dont tuch the damn thing for a few days. edit: Flush with pH'd water!!!!!!
  17. B

    need help

    Stop misting your plants, unnecessary and the water drops act as magnifying glasses on the leaves. If you really wanna mist them, at least do it when the lights are off.
  18. B

    Boy oh boy?? First flower updates

    1st is a male like you said. 2nd is looking male, but give it time, keep a close eye on it, look for white pistils coming out of the lil football shaped sac.
  19. B

    northern lights - nirvana

    Dang man those pictures are terrible quality...cant really see anything. Flower them said they are showing white pistils and you don't want them to tall....typically once you flip to 12/12 your gonna see 2x-3x the plant height you started with.
  20. B

    Curling leaves (downward tips) / yellow spots

    Stop misting your plant, unnecessary. If you have been watering every day then yes that is more than likely to much, let your soil dry out and then water it really good until you have water coming out the bottom drain holes. Also tips pointing down (looks like a claw) means to much N. Yellow...