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  1. S

    To late?

    dam son thats what i wanted to know too, mine is a clone of some very nice weed and im glad to hear that its not to late for lil seas da plant
  2. S

    outdoor clone just planted any tips?

    i have a 4 inch clone from a indoor operation and i just planted it in the ground in a nice open field, its june 23 do you guys think its too late for it to yeild a good yeild? i also want to know what i can do to speed or just make things better for it, my brother told me to just forget about...
  3. S

    Outdoor Ontario Grow, started late

    ok thats good to hear man. So what should i do just keep watering it every 2 days? how do i know when to harvest?
  4. S

    Outdoor Ontario Grow, started late

    yo guys i have a clone abot 4-5 inches tall with 6 big leaves on it.. i just planted it in the ground in a very open sunny spot, its now june 23. do you think its too late for my plant or will it yeild anything???
  5. S

    Help me with my clones!

    i have a clone about 3-4 inches tall and i just planted it in the ground in a nice spot with lots of sunlight, its already june 23 is it too late for it to grow in this season??? im in toronto ontario canada btw