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    Atomic haze, soil, and light

    Dr Atomic- Atomic haze aquired from seed boutique. light- 400 hps bulb from Lowes. soil- Ocean Forrest nutes- none Planted 7 seeds in expanding disc all germed. Moved to 1 gal pots and vegged for 28 days. Ended up with 5 females, they were moved to 2 gal pots. Went 72 days 12/12 and this was the...
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    This Shit Is Just Fucking Crazy 22 days in flower WTF

    I think that's understood
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    This Shit Is Just Fucking Crazy 22 days in flower WTF

    You all sound like my wife when i want to blow money on hi-fi equipment. Happy smoking looks good.
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    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    Now he's driving up the cost of sugar.
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    Buying seeds online? BEWARE... somthing you might want to read

    I want to say no, but i've seen those shows with 20 cops to bust a guy buying a dime bag.
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    600 watt Lights

    Wait till your under it watering.
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    Guy With Gun

    It was to funny seeing Mathews frustration trying to break the guy. I forget did he fall back on his usual you must be a racist tactic.
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    Eletric Meter Tweak

    It probably depends on the size of your property or house. I would think 6k 24 hours a day in a average house might be pushing the limits.
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    Attitude seeds suck!!!

    A lot of their seeds cost 100 a pack. cool sig.
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    ever seen this

    ok ok maybe i'm a dumb ass. All i can say is that this is my smoking bench and seeds get dropped there. I suppose the seed could have came from anywhere, but i've never seen anything like it in this area. Is it common for nodes to grow just above a fan leaf like this.
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    ever seen this

    Actually it from the same seed as this plant witch is 2nd or 3rd generation bag seed.
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    ever seen this

    This is a plant that started from a fallen seed last fall. It made it through winter and has grown quite deformed. Today i found this. Anyone ever seen this before.
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    electricity bill question - HPS VS CFL VS LED

    If your going to run them all on 1 grow I'd go with a 1000 watt hps. Your savings will come from 1 ballast and 1 bulb to replace.
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    Game Wardens do not need warrants.

    I had that happen to me in a vehicle 20 some years ago in a national park. He said i looked like a poacher. (did not even know what that was at the time) He took a case of beer and a bong bag with him. However i think they still only have jurisdiction in their area. I don't think they could show...
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    How much do you yeild a plant?

    lol you say to vague then you give a fairly reasonable answer.
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    Seed ordering??

    So what happens when they search your friends house who probably smokes and has something in his house. Then there is the friend he's going to tell and so on. Now I'm worried about getting busted and robbed. No thanks. Unless your po box is in a fake name(idk how hard this is to do) it's no...
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    does anyone know how to make an acid trip stronger?

    Hyperventilate yourself have somebody squeeze you till you pass out. Truly the worst trip i've ever been on. I would not recommend it. I had consumed lots of acid before and after this,but this has to be the dumbest thing I've ever done.
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    A Glenn Beck Thread

    different take
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    A Glenn Beck Thread

    Hey slippery you must not or i should say did not work construction in a border state or you would have a different on illegals. As for glen being a douche i hope you came to that conclusion from watching and not 30 second oberman clips.