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  1. yanndogg

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    whats the airstone for and do?
  2. yanndogg

    HELP!!!!! leaves getting copper brown/yellow spots on them,in an aerogrow

    thanks,:) iv left it 4 a few days,threw in a few pellets of rose fert and it's fully come back to life,greening up and growing again,so is everything else.i mite just let it do its thing 4 a few days.see if it pulls through,haha
  3. yanndogg

    HELP!!!!! leaves getting copper brown/yellow spots on them,in an aerogrow

    Im currently using a aerogrow classic,i have 2 gunja plants in there along with some garlic and oregano,1 gunja plant is slowly getting yellow/copper coloured spots on the leaves,slowly drying out,please help with this.i dont know what setting to put the aerogrow on (saladgreens or herbs)...
  4. yanndogg

    HELP!!!!! leaves getting copper brown/yellow spots on them,in an aerogrow

    whats the ph meant to be? for good growth. and how much are the readers? are they worth getting?
  5. yanndogg

    HELP!!!!! leaves getting copper brown/yellow spots on them,in an aerogrow

    im currently using a aerogrow classic,i have 2 gunja plants in there along with some garlic and oregano,1 gunja plant is slowly getting yellow/copper coloured spots on the leaves,slowly drying out,please help with this.i dont know what setting to put the aerogrow on (saladgreens or herbs)...